Information on terms, conditions, fees and charges for your banking services

Unpaid transaction fee

If you have a Premium Pack – our most comprehensive solution for your day-to-day banking – it offers numerous benefits: the Premium Bonus loyalty programme, Mastercard Gold* credit card with four types of insurance cover included, and more besides.

One of the services included in the Premium Pack will soon change its fees. This concerns transactions that cannot be completed because of insufficient funds in a current account. These unpaid transactions can consist of transfers, standing orders and direct debits to third parties.

You will also be informed about this change in fees via your account statements.

What exactly is changing?

From 1 July 2021, a fee of €7.26 including VAT will be charged for a transaction that is definitively refused because of insufficient funds.

The monthly Premium Pack fee remains unchanged.

When is the fee deducted?

Normally, the fee will be deducted from your account the month following the date of the unpaid transaction. It will be included and detailed in your account statements.

How can you avoid unpaid transactions?

You have a certain amount of time put sufficient funds in the account before the operation is definitively refused.

  • For transfers and standing orders: you have up to 4 working days (including the day of execution) to fund the account. Example: if the execution date is a Thursday, you have until Tuesday to transfer the money. If not, the transaction will be definitively refused on Wednesday.

  • For direct debits: you have until 7pm on the day of execution.

Via the "Scheduled" tab in your account overview on Easy Banking Web or Easy Banking App, you can easily consult all your scheduled operations.

Stay informed

Do you have a pending transaction and would you like to be kept informed about it? Simply subscribe to our i-message service. You will then receive a text message.

You can set up i-message via Easy Banking Web: log into Easy Banking Web > Settings > i-message > New sign-up* > select "Pending transaction". 

You’ll soon be notified by email or via a notification on your smartphone.

If you’d like more information on the Premium Pack, visit our Easy Banking Web page.

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