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With email, online shopping, social media etc., the internet has pushed back the boundaries.
But to keep the experience positive and avoid pitfalls, some vigilance is required.
Have you received a strange message? Don't click on the link. More generally, never share your confidential data.
Any exchange of sensitive with your bank is done via our secure channels, Easy Banking App and Easy Banking Web.
Learn how to recognise scams! Discover our practical tips in the video below, test your knowledge, and stay calm in the face of suspicious requests.
Too late? Here's what you can do.
To avoid being caught out, you need to start by recognising this type of fraud. Which is not easy at first glance.
As you’ll have realised, this type of scam involves a certain amount of psychological manipulation.
There are fraudsters who try to impersonate BNP Paribas Fortis by email, text message and telephone. Under no circumstances will we EVER ask you:
for any codes related to your cards (including the 3-digit CVV code on the back of your card) or your Easy Banking App or Web access codes
Similarly, we will NEVER come to your home to collect your cards, card readers, codes, mobile phone or anything else.
Please also use the same level of caution if you receive a message or call supposedly coming from an official authority like the police or a government department, a company, a helpdesk or Card Stop.
Ask yourself the right questions and stay wary.
Do you want to know where you stand in terms of digital knowledge and digital security? Take these short tests offered by Safeonweb, the official Belgian government website for computer security.
The Safeonweb app was developed by the Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium. The app alerts you to cyber threats and online scams, and offers security tips.
Have you received a message with our logo, inviting you to share your account number, card number, or M1 or M2 code?
Don't respond and don't click on the link! Send the email, screenshot of the text message etc. to
Have you received a message from a supplier or official body urging you to click on a link, then sign into your “online banking service”? Send the email, screenshot of the text message etc. to
Phishing, malware, two-factor authentication... Learn more about the most common internet pitfalls, how to avoid them, and what to do if you think you're a victim.
Use Easy Banking App and Easy Banking Web to make your payments. Specific procedures ensure the security of your personal and banking data.
© 2025 BNP Paribas Fortis
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