The advantages of the Business Invest Plan
Discover why this investment is right for you.
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Looking for an investment tailored to your company or ASBL? The Business Invest Plan combines a fixed interest rate with a potentially higher return in the form of an annual bonus.
The death of an associate, a change in the structure of ASBL members, a merger or demerger of the company... The Business Invest Plan is concluded in the name of the legal entity, ensuring its continuity.
Do you have questions about the Business Invest Plan? Visit a BNP Paribas Fortis agency or contact us online.
The advantages of the Business Invest Plan
Discover why this investment is right for you.
The Business Invest Plan is designed for legal entities looking to invest their money in the medium term with complete security to achieve a return.
The premium and minimum return are fixed in advance for the entire duration.
Each year, you can withdraw up to 10% (up to €100,000) of the gross reserve of the contract, as it is on 31 December of the previous calendar year, without fees, in the form of one or multiple redemptions (partial or periodic).
The Business Invest Plan is a capitalisation contract in branch 26. As such, you benefit from a double guarantee:
The overall return (guaranteed interest rate + bonus) of the Business Invest Plan for 8 years in 2023 reached 2.50% for net payments of that year and 1.70% for the rest of the reserve.
Here is a summary table of the overall return for the last five years (technical interest rate + eventual bonus).
Year |
Gross overall return 8 years |
2019 |
1,80% |
2020 |
1,70% |
2021 |
1,60% |
2022 |
2,40% for net payments |
2023 |
2,50% for net payments |
This gross return does not take into account fees and taxes. It relates to past years and does not constitute a reliable indicator of future returns. For contracts with an interest rate higher than the gross overall return, the gross return is equal to the guaranteed interest rate.
These eventual annual bonuses are not guaranteed and may vary from year to year, depending on the results of AG and the economic situation. Once granted, the bonuses become an integral part of the reserve and capitalise at the guaranteed interest rate in force. The insurer has no legal or contractual obligation to provide a bonus.
The Business Invest Plan for 5 years was launched in September 2023. The overall return (guaranteed interest rate + eventual bonus) for 2023 reached 2.50%.
Not linked to a person’s life, the Business Invest Plan is subscribed by a company and is part of its assets. The eventual liquidation of this company therefore entails the obligation to redeem the Business Invest Plan in full, with the associated redemption fee and any potential financial adjustment.
In the event of AG's bankruptcy, the investor bears the risk of not recovering their invested capital at the final maturity date.
The Business Invest Plan offers a guaranteed interest rate and an eventual bonus. If the latter proves to be low or zero in the future, it is possible that the paid capital will be lower than the total amount invested due to taxes, fees, and low current rates.
Each year, the policyholder receives a complete statement of the contract, including any bonus that has been granted.
The Business Invest Plan received the "Towards Sustainability" label in March 2023. Regularly re-evaluated and under permanent control, this sustainability label is a quality standard under the supervision of the Central Labelling Agency (CLA). To meet this standard, financial products must meet certain minimum sustainability requirements, both in terms of portfolio and investment process. You can find more information about the label on the CLA website.
Obtaining this label does not mean that the Business Invest Plan meets your own sustainability objectives.
For legal entities subject to corporate tax
The interest and bonus acquired must be reported each year in the company's annual result. They are therefore subject to corporate tax.
ASBLs must report the value of the Business Invest Plan as of 31 December in the calculation of the 0.17% succession duty.
For legal entities subject to corporate tax
In the event of redemption and at maturity, 30% withholding tax is retained on the guaranteed return and bonus. This is an imputable and potentially refundable withholding tax.
For legal entities subject to personal income tax
In the event of redemption and at maturity, 30% withholding tax is retained on the guaranteed return and bonus. This is a liberating withholding tax.
The Business Invest Plan also qualifies for the deduction of notional interest.
Entry fees
Exit fees: no exit fees at maturity.
Redemption fees: the redemption indemnity is €250. The application of a financial correction is possible. Each year, it is possible, via one or more free partial or periodic redemptions, to redeem 10% of the gross reserve, as of 31 December of the previous year (up to €100,000 per year).
Are you, as a company, looking for a way to invest a medium-term amount at an attractive return, without hindering short-term wealth transfer to shareholders (e.g. through dividend payment or capital reduction)?
Business Invest Plan Dual is a capitalisation operation (branch 26) of AG, subject to Belgian law. This product can only be subscribed if a Future Invest Bond (branch 21) contract is subscribed at the same time.
In that case, Business Invest Plan Dual (BIP Dual) is for you. More information can be found in the Flash Invest or by contacting your bank branch.
Beyond investments, Private Banking offers solutions for developing, protecting and transferring your business and wealth.
Discover our Private Banking servicesBefore making an investment decision, it is recommended that every investor take note of the key information document and general terms and conditions, describing the characteristics and fees of the Business Invest Plan. You can find them below:
The Business Invest Plan is a capitalisation contract in branch 26 of AG SA, distributed by BNP Paribas Fortis SA.
AG SA, Bd É. Jacqmain 53, 1000 Brussels – RPM Brussels – VAT BE 0404.494.849 – www.aginsurance.be – Belgian insurance company approved under code 0079, under the control of the National Bank of Belgium, Bd de Berlaimont 14, 1000 Brussels.
Intermediary: BNP Paribas Fortis SA, Montagne du Parc 3, 1000 Brussels – RPM Brussels – VAT BE 0403.199.702 – is subject to prudential supervision by the European Central Bank and the National Bank of Belgium as a Belgian credit institution. BNP Paribas Fortis SA is registered under the aforementioned enterprise number with the FSMA, Rue du Congrès 12-14, 1000 Brussels, and acts as a tied insurance agent, remunerated by commissions, for AG SA. BNP Paribas Fortis SA holds a stake of more than 10% in AG SA.
Complaints can be submitted by post to BNP Paribas SA – Complaints Management Service – Montagne du Parc 3, 1000 Brussels or by email to complaintsmanagement@bnpparibasfortis.com
If the proposed solution does not meet your expectations, you can submit your complaint to the Insurance Ombudsman by email to info@ombudsman-insurance.be, by post to Square de Meeûs 35, 1000 Brussels, or on their website www.ombudsman-insurance.be.
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