Does my insurance allow me to have my car repaired in the garage of my choice?

Yes, you’re free to choose the garage where you want to have your vehicle repaired. 
By opting for an approved repairer (whether the accident was your fault or not), you benefit from the following advantages:

  • A free replacement vehicle.
  • A 3-year guarantee on repairs and spare parts.
  • Rapid service: the repairer will contact you the next working day if the claim is made before 4pm.
  • AG Insurance pays the garage directly. You only pay the unpaid VAT, which you can reclaim.
  • Not using an AG Insurance approved repairer? In that case, your excess is €250 higher than stated in your policy (this only applies to cars insured under new policies and in the event of a vehicle change from 23 January 2016).
  • A complete clean of your vehicle.
  • A safety check (tyre pressure check, fire check and windscreen washer fluid top-up).
  • A windscreen washer fluid top-up.

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