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For which transfers can I find the proof of execution in Easy Banking Business?
A proof of exection will be generated for any single international transfer sent outside the SEPA zone and / or done in another currency than EUR. Transfers to own accounts or within BNP Paribas Fortis are not taken into account.
When the proof of exection has been generated, it will be immediately available in Easy Banking Business.
Please note that for specific currency conversions it can take longer to debit the transfer from your account. However, as soon as the proof of exection has been generated, it will be available in Easy Banking Business.
If it concerns a bulk transfer with multiple non-SEPA beneficiaries, the proof of exection will not be available in Easy Banking Business. For this type of transfers we ask you to contact your contact person at the bank or your branch to retrieve the proof of exection copy.
How do I find a proof of exection in Easy Banking Business?
You can find the proof of exection through Account History.
By opening or saving the pdf you can send it by email to your contact person.
Please note that the proof of exection will always be issued in English.
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