How can I cancel a bank transfer?

You can cancel unexecuted transfers with an execution date via the Scheduled section in your account history onEasy Banking App and Easy Banking Web.

If a transfer has already been executed, it cannot be cancelled. To obtain a refund, please contact the beneficiary directly.

If you are unable to reach an agreement with the beneficiary, you can submit a request for fund recovery. Please note that this procedure incurs a cost (see tariff list) and does not guarantee fund recovery. We will contact the beneficiary's bank (or the account holder if they are a BNP Paribas Fortis customer) to request the return of the funds. However, if the beneficiary refuses to return the transfer, we will not be able to take further action and you will still be charged for the request.

If a transfer is made to a closed account, the funds will be automatically credited back to the ordering account. If you have not received the funds within 10 working days, it is possible that the beneficiary's account is not closed or has a status issue. In this case, please contact the beneficiary to resolve the issue.

If you need to cancel a transfer to a rental guarantee account, please contact the Easy Banking Centre via the Info and Contact section in Easy Banking App. Select the relevant category and subject, and you will be redirected to an advisor with the right expertise.

Alternatively, you can call us on 02 762 90 00 with your 5-digit Easy Banking Phone code. We are available from Monday to Friday from 7am to 10pm and from 9am to 5pm on Saturday.

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