How can I create a user profile in Easy Banking?

Already using Easy Banking App? You can create one profile maximum per device. Your current profile will continue to work, even if your debit card is replaced.

Want to create a new profile in Easy Banking App? Here's how:

  1. Open Easy Banking App and tap on the three dots at the top right.
  2. Select Profile and tap on the bin or Delete profile

Received a new card? Update your profile in Easy Banking Web:

  1. Log in to Easy Banking Web.
  2. Click Log in with card reader.
  3. Enter your customer and card numbers.
  4. Tick the box Save this profile and enter a profile name. Click Next.

Create a new profile in Easy Banking Web:

  1. Log in to Easy Banking Web.
  2. Choose Log in with another profile.
  3. On this screen, you can select a profile by clicking on it. You can also delete a profile and create a new one.

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If you are currently in phone or chat contact with an Easy Banking advisor, you can start sharing your Easy Banking Web screen.
Share the session number
In order to activate the sharing of your Easy Banking Web screen, please communicate the session number below to the Easy Banking advisor with whom you are in contact.

Session number: