How can I track the status of my international transfers in Easy Banking Business?

Track your payment step by step. Under every international transfer, sent via the highly secured SWIFT* (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) network, you will find a mention Tracked .

  1. Click on the transaction area to obtain full details on the status of your transfer, for example: 'Completed- The payment was credited to the beneficiary account', the estimated booking date and also the amount.
  2. To see all details about the payment, click Open Tracker. You can see all the steps the payment went through.
  3. There are two options available to share information with the beneficiary. Via theicon located to the right of the screen, you can, at any time, download the proof of execution in PDF format. Or you can click Copy tracker link and share the link with your beneficiary to allow the follow-up of the payment. This link does not provide detailed information such as the account number or the payment costs.

Your advantages:

- Transparency: you have access to the most recent status available at any time, based on the information that BNP Paribas Fortis receives from SWIFT.

- Speed: transfers sent via the SWIFT network between banks belonging to the gpi (Global Payments Innovation) service, such as BNP Paribas Fortis, will be processed quicker.

- Convenience: you no longer need to make a phone call to obtain details of your transfer; you can now see the latest update on your international payment at a glance.

Good to know:

Status updates on your transfers are provided by SWIFT, which gathers the latest data from all banks belonging to the gpi service over the course of the transaction's journey. You therefore receive the same information as the bank.

Transfers on tis account but not entered via Easy Banking Business may also be tracked via this channel.

Simply click on the icon next to Status to find out more about the various possible statuses.

* SWIFT enables all financial institutions and companies connected to its network to exchange financial messages. Every member of the network is identified by their BIC code, also called a SWIFT code. This code enables messages to be routed from the issuer to the recipient.


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