How do I add a correspondence address for my mail?

Want the documents and cards we send you by post to be delivered to a different address than your official home address? You can make the change in Easy Banking Web on a computer or tablet.

Registering a postal address for the first time:

  1. Log in to Easy Banking Web.
  2. Click on the profile icon next to your name and select Personal Data.
  3. Haven't added an address before? Click on the "Add a postal address" text next to Home Address.
  4. Fill in the desired address and click Confirm.
  5. Confirm with itsme or with your debit card and card reader.

Changing an existing postal address:

  1. Log in to Easy Banking Web.
  2. Click on the profile icon next to your name and select Personal Data.
  3. Click on the horizontal bars to the right of the address and then click Edit.
  4. Fill in the desired address and click Confirm.
  5. Confirm with itsme or with your debit card and card reader.

Deleting an existing postal address

  1. Log in to Easy Banking Web.
  2. Click on the profile icon next to your name and select Personal Data.
  3. Scroll through the list until you find the desired postal address and click on the horizontal bars to the right of the address. Click Delete.

Important: when you read your ID card, only your official home address will be re-registered and (in case of changes) adapted. Your postal address is separate from your ID and can only be changed manually by you.

So, when you move, don't forget to check and communicate your personal address and new postal address.

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