How do I view my account statements?

In Easy Banking App:

1. Log in to Easy Banking App.
2. Tap on My Services and select Accounts and Cards.
3. Select the account.
4. Tap on the three dots or the gear icon and then on Account Statements.

In Easy Banking Web on a computer or tablet:

1. Log in to Easy Banking Web.
2. Click on your account.
3. Click on Account Statements.

Want to easily view account statements for all your products?

1. Log in to Easy Banking Web on a computer or tablet.
2. Click on Accounts and Cards on the left and then on My Account Statements.
3. You will find a list of all your products for which copies are available. Click on the product number to view all documents.
4. Click on the document name to open it. Please note that your pop-up blocker must be disabled or allow pop-ups from our site. Once the file is open, you can print it by clicking on the printer icon.

Want to view account statements for closed accounts and products?

1. Log in to Easy Banking Web on a computer or tablet.
2. Click on Accounts and Cards on the left and then on My Account Statements.
3. You will find a list of all your products for which statements are available.
4. Under Status, click on Active Accounts, change the name to Closed Accounts and click on GO.
5. Click on the product number to view the list of all documents.
6. Click on the document name to open it. Please note that your pop-up blocker must be disabled or allow pop-ups from our site.

Account statements for closed products will remain available online for maximum three years.

Want to download your account statements?

1. Log in to Easy Banking Web on a computer or tablet.
2. Click on Accounts and Cards on the left and then on My Account Statements.
3. You will find a list of all your products for which statements are available.
4. Check the product(s) of your choice and click on Request Account Statement Download.
5. For the period, you can choose to request only non-downloaded statements or download all statements for a year or a month.
6. Click on Confirm and then on the green button Your Account Statements.
7. At the top of the last download request, click on Refresh until the button becomes Download, and then click on this button again. Depending on the size of your request, this may take a few minutes.


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