How do I withdraw funds from my mortgage credit in Easy Banking Web?

  1. Log in to Easy Banking Web.
  2. Click on Loans and then on My Loans to get an overview of all your credits.
  3. Click on the relevant credit and select Direct Debit from the menu.
  4. Click on New Direct Debit. You will then be taken to an instructions page, which may mention, for example, that you need an electronic version of all supporting documents to be attached to your request. If you do not want to see this instructions page again next time, tick the box Do not show again
  5. Click on Add Invoice. If you have already paid the invoice, click on Yes, if the invoice still needs to be paid, click on No
  6. Complete the invoice with all the required information:

- Invoice date
- Total invoice amount
- The amount to be paid to the supplier
- The amount you wish to pay by credit. It is possible that your credit does not allow you to pay the invoice in full.
- In this case, you can choose to debit the balance from your payment account.
- The beneficiary and account number of the supplier.
- The communication, which can either be free or structured.

7. Add your supporting documents and select the document you previously saved on your computer or tablet.
8. Give a reference name to this direct debit. If desired, add a comment and click on Confirm. It is essential that your data is up to date.
9. Click on Send and confirm your request. You will be informed of the decision as soon as possible.


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