How to open a new current, savings or third-party account in Easy Banking Business?

Before you start:

- You must be a contract manager to be able open a new current or savings account.

- Opening a third-party account is reserved to legal professions. To open a new third-party account, you must have signing rights in the Accounts module.


How can you open a current or savings account?

  1. Connect to Easy Banking Business.
  2. In the Accounts module, under New Account, click on Open.
  3. Choose the type of account you wish to open and click Next.
  4. Confirm the standard name or choose a name for the account and click Next.
  5. You will see the default settings for the account statements. If you have a different preference, you can change it after the account is opened. More information concerning the preferences can be found on this page. Click Next.
  6. You will receive an overview of your request. Click Sign to finalize your request or click Back to make adjustments.

How can you open a third-party account?

  1. Connect to Easy Banking Business.
  2. In the Accounts module, under New Account, click on Open.
  3. Choose the type of third-party account you wish to open and click Next.
  4. Complete the Account name.

The account name consists of two fields. The name of the account holder is automatically assigned to the first field. You can edit this field. In the second field, you can enter the name of your customer, for example. You have a maximum of 26 characters for the two fields combined at your disposal. Complete the File. For this field, choose your internal reference. You have a maximum of 24 characters available. Click Next.


       5. You will see the default settings for the account statements. If you have a different preference, you can change
       it after the account is opened. More information concerning the preferences can be found on this page. Click   

      6. You will receive an overview of your request. Click Confirm or Sign to finalize your request, or click Back to       
      make adjustments.


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