Zoomit: electronic bill management


Receive your bills

Zoomit is a free service that lets you receive your bills and payslips directly on your computer, smartphone or tablet via Easy Banking.


Pay in one click

Have you received a bill? One click or swipe is all it takes to pay it. You no longer need to complete a euro transfer form: the amount, account number and other payment details are filled in automatically for you.


Contact us

Do you have any questions about Zoomit? Get in touch with your branch or call our Easy Banking Centre on 02 762 90 00.

Never miss a bill again

With Easy Banking, you receive a notification every time a bill becomes available. No bill will ever slip your attention again.

You're in complete control

You decide which bills you want to pay and when. You also choose which suppliers can send you electronic documents via Zoomit. To find out which companies can send you documents via Zoomit, check out the list of companies on the Zoomit website.

No more wasting paper

You receive and manage your documents online so you can find your bills easily and make paper clutter a thing of the past. The environment will thank you!

Share your Easy Banking Web screen
If you are currently in phone or chat contact with an Easy Banking advisor, you can start sharing your Easy Banking Web screen.
Share the session number
In order to activate the sharing of your Easy Banking Web screen, please communicate the session number below to the Easy Banking advisor with whom you are in contact.

Session number: