Daily banking

  • Payment cards

    Our payment cards allow you to make purchases in-store or online with complete security. Whether you use a debit card or credit card*, paying has never been easier.

    Our payment cards

  • Current accounts

    For your day-to-day banking needs, our packs include one or more current accounts, along with one or more credit cards*, access to online and mobile banking, and special offers on other services too.

    Our current accounts

  • Transfers, direct debits, IBAN…

    Make a transfer, set up a direct debit, order foreign currency, and more besides. Discover all the transactions you can perform online or over the phone.

    Our payment methods

  • Online and mobile banking

    For your day-to-day banking, you can open a current account, order a payment card, manage your savings and much more using online and mobile banking.

    Online and mobile banking

  • Using cash

    Whether you want to make a purchase in cash, or deposit money into your savings account, withdraw cash or order foreign currency, we are here for your cash needs in Belgium or abroad.

    Day-to-day cash needs

  • Your budget

    Pay cash or borrow? Save or invest? Pension savings or other long-term savings? We break down all these topics for you.

    My budget

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