Recover half the tax on life insurance premiums

Temporary Cashback Campaign

Up to and including 30 June, you can take advantage of our cashback campaign on AG branch 23 investment insurance. This allows you to reclaim half the tax on life insurance premiums.

Discover all the conditions 

It's easy to participate

Take out a new branch 23 insurance policy

If you take a new branch 23 investment insurance policy between 1 March and 30 June 2025 inclusive, you will be entitled to a refund of half the tax on the premium unless the campaign ends early.

Get in touch with us and we will look at whether investment insurance is a suitable solution for you.

Contact your adviser or make an appointment

Make a payment to an existing branch 23 contract

If you make an additional payment between 1 March and 30 June 2025 included in an existing branch 23 contract, you will be entitled to a refund of half the tax on the premium unless the campaign ends early.

You can make an additional payment using Easy Banking Web and Easy Banking App.

Make a payment

Branch 23 investment insurance

What is branch 23?

  • This is a life insurance contract with no maturity whereby an investment is made in one or more underlying securities investment funds with a view to obtaining a potentially higher return.
  • The return is not guaranteed, nor is the capital invested, but you can benefit from any upward trend in the market.
  • You pay no withholding tax on income from movable property in the event of surrender or death. There is no tax benefit on the premiums paid. The premium is subject to a 2% tax. In the event of death, inheritance rights may be due. The tax treatment depends on each customer's individual circumstances and may be subject to change in the future. 

These insurance policies present certain risks

  • Liquidity risk: In certain exceptional circumstances, the liquidation of fund units could be delayed or suspended.
  • Risk of fluctuations in the unit value (market risk): the value of a unit depends on the performance of the underlying assets and on the market fluctuations. The policyholder always bears the full financial risk. Consequently, at the time of any withdrawal or at the time of liquidation of the policy, the unit value may be both higher and lower than its value at the time of premium payment. The policyholder must therefore be aware that they may lose part or the full amount invested.
  • Insolvency of the insurer : the assets of the fund linked to the life insurance policy taken out by the policyholder are managed separately from the insurer's assets. In the event of the insurer’s insolvency, these assets are reserved as a priority for the implementation of commitments to the insurance policyholders and/or beneficiaries.
  • Risks related to fund management : The funds are exposed to various risks which vary depending on the investment objective and the investment policy of these funds and their underlying funds. In order to achieve this investment objective, the managers of each fund may invest in different asset classes and styles in varying proportions depending on market conditions and the investment policy of the fund concerned. However, as the return is not guaranteed, there is always a risk that the investments made will not produce the expected results, despite the expertise of the managers.

Legal information

This campaign relates to branch 23 insurance products of AG Insurance, subject to Belgian law, offered to you by BNP Paribas Fortis. 
AG Insurance (abbreviated AG) SA - Bd E. Jacqmain 53, 1000 Brussels - - - IBAN: BE13 2100 0007 6339 - BIC: GEBABEBB - RPM Brussels – VAT BE 0404.494.849 - Belgian insurance company authorised under code 0079, under the supervision of the National Bank of Belgium, Bd. de Berlaimont 14, 1000 Brussels.

Intermediary: BNP Paribas Fortis SA, Montagne du Parc 3, B-1000 Brussels - RPM Brussels – VAT BE 0403.199.702, is registered under this number with the FSMA, Rue du Congrès 12-14, 1000 Brussels, and acts as a tied insurance agent, remunerated by commissions, for AG Insurance SA. BNP Paribas Fortis SA holds a stake of more than 10% in AG Insurance SA.
Before taking out the policy, you must read the key information document, the useful information document, the management regulations and the general terms and conditions of each product, which are available free of charge from your BNP Paribas Fortis branch and on the website You will find the minimum policy amount, recommended term, costs and taxes. You can always consult the net asset value on  and in the financial press. 
With branch 23 life insurance policies, you invest in a fund with a view to obtaining a potentially higher return. However, a branch 23 product involves the risk for the policyholder of losing all or part of their investment.

If you have any questions, you can always contact your BNP Paribas Fortis branch. Complaints can be sent to:

If the solution proposed by BNP Paribas Fortis or AG Insurance does not satisfy you, you can submit your complaint to the Insurance Ombudsman :

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