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Insurance Travel insurance products Temporary Travel Insurance and Annual Travel Assistance are travel assistance insurance policies. All travel insurance products /sites/fortis-ebw/public/particuliers/assurer/ Temporary travel insurance With Temporary Travel Insurance, you can set off on your next trip with complete peace of mind. /sites/fortis-ebw/public/particuliers/assurer/ Annual travel assistance If you are a frequent traveller, Touring's Annual Travel Assistance is the perfect solution for you. /sites/fortis-ebw/public/particuliers/assurer/ Roadside assistance Breakdown assistance for 1 vehicle Hit the road with peace of mind with this comprehensive assistance for your car, motorbike or mobile home by Touring. /sites/fortis-ebw/public/particuliers/assurer/ Breakdown assistance for several vehicles The perfect Touring assistance package for several vehicles (including bicycles, scooters, etc.) for you or your entire family. /sites/fortis-ebw/public/particuliers/assurer/ Personal liability insurance products AG Top Family is a civil liability insurance policy. Fixed Fees Insurance is a collective insurance policy. All personal liability insurance products /sites/fortis-ebw/public/particuliers/assurer/ Family protection insurance AG Top Family insures you against the financial consequences of accidental damage caused by a member of your family. /sites/fortis-ebw/public/particuliers/assurer/ Income protection insurance Prevent difficult financial situations due to a job loss or disability thanks to AG Fixed Fees Insurance. /sites/fortis-ebw/public/particuliers/assurer/ Fire insurance AG Top Home is a fire insurance policy. All fire insurance products /sites/fortis-ebw/public/particuliers/assurer/ Fire insurance – owners Insure your home and your belongings against fire with AG Top Home. /sites/fortis-ebw/public/particuliers/assurer/ Fire insurance – tenants Insure your rental liability and the contents of your home with AG Top Home. /sites/fortis-ebw/public/particuliers/assurer/ Fire insurance – landlords Insure your rented property with AG Top Home. /sites/fortis-ebw/public/particuliers/assurer/ Vehicle insurance products All vehicle insurance products /sites/fortis-ebw/public/particuliers/assurer/ Car insurance AG Third Party Car insurance covers property damage and bodily injury caused to others. /sites/fortis-ebw/public/particuliers/assurer/ Legal protection for cars Get support in legal procedures and reimbursement up to 50,000 euros thanks to AG Legal Protection insurance. /sites/fortis-ebw/public/particuliers/assurer/ Comprehensive car insurance Cover all risks with AG's fully comprehensive or mini Omnium insurance insurance. /sites/fortis-ebw/public/particuliers/assurer/ fr, nl Français English Nederlands Deutsch no yes yes yes yes yes yes ebw-specific/insurance [referer] = [] [x-ruxit-apache-servernameports] = [] [sec-fetch-site] = [cross-site] [request-ctx-route] = [PROD] [x-dynatrace-application] = [v=2;appId=ea7c4b59f27d43eb;;rid=428891708;rpid=-1943644490;en=zrvgcfvr] [via] = [HTTP/1.1 spsrn935:443] [x-forwarded-url] = [] [tracestate] = [191c3167-19ec4e7c@dt=fw4;1b;f6f9e892;29711;19;0;0;2bf;07c4;2h01;3hf6f9e892;4h029711;5h01;7h3e71d3c7107948ff] [x-forwarded-host] = [] [newversion] = [false] [host] = [localhost:1776] [request-ctx-applicationid] = [001] [connection] = [Keep-Alive] [sec-fetch-mode] = [navigate] [request-ctx-brand] = [FB] [x-dynatrace-requeststate] = [agentId=0xd198288cf6f9e892&pathDepth=1] [accept-language] = [en-SG,en-GB;q=0.9,en;q=0.8] [x-forwarded-for] = [,] [request-ctx-ip] = [] [ssl-protocol] = [TLSv1.2] [accept] = [text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8] [ssl-cipher] = [ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384] [x-forwarded-server] = [] [traceparent] = [00-fb799c777c26812f8066fc25b7b20f2a-3e71d3c7107948ff-01] [x-dynatrace] = [FW4;434916988;27;-151394158;169745;25;421278055;703;c728;2h01;3hf6f9e892;4h029711;5h01;6hfb799c777c26812f8066fc25b7b20f2a;7h3e71d3c7107948ff] [iv_server_name] = [EBEW-EASYWEB-ECH-PROD-webseald-spsrn935] [request-ctx-env] = [PROD] [user-agent] = [Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 17_5 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) CriOS/126.0.6478.153 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1] [sec-fetch-dest] = [document] secured/products/products-offers-overview-insurance false /ebw/fortis-auth-ebw_en/secured/products/ secured/products/products-offers-overview-insurance /resources/ebw-portal/wcm/conf/fb/livesite-script-conf.xml templatedata/generic/html/data/scripts/ts-fb.xml true priv en fortis-auth-ebw_en q=(((TeamSite/Templating/DCR/Type:="ebw-specific/insurance")+AND+(G11N/Locale:="en"))+AND+(TeamSite/Metadata/Target-Segments/priv:="y"))+AND+((AreaRelativePath:="templatedata/ebw-specific/insurance/data/common*")+OR+(AreaRelativePath:="templatedata/ebw-specific/insurance/data/fortis-auth-ebw*"))&sort=-/Root/date 0 -2 0