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Kevin Begon -
Matthias Feys, Chief Technology Officer, has contributed to Skyhaus's success since its creation in 2013 by Nicolas Deruytter, CEO. Machine learning, data analysis, artificial intelligence… In less than ten years, this technology specialist based in Ghent has grown from a start-up of six people to an international player with a hundred employees in six countries.
“Concretely, we ensure that certain complex or repetitive tasks can be performed by machines. They are then carried out more efficiently,” explains Matthias Feys. “Think of medical imaging in a hospital. Today, images are still often analysed by doctors, whereas this analysis can be done automatically. The computer detects diseases at an early stage itself. Take the example of pill production: quality must be carefully inspected. This is something that can be perfectly done by a machine.”
Intelligent technologies are playing an increasingly important role in our society. There is more than enough work for the many technical start-ups, but also a lot of competition. “We distinguish ourselves by focusing on the most complex projects,” says Matthias. “We invest our time and resources in problems for which there is no ready-made solution yet.”
Meanwhile, Skyhaus has become an international company. But all employees remain in close contact with each other. “We work with both multidisciplinary teams and teams of experts. We share our successes and experiences with each other. This allows us to quickly exchange knowledge, new developments, and opportunities, even across borders.”
For financial management, Skyhaus works in collaboration with BNP Paribas Fortis. “It's nice to have a partner you can always turn to for advice and practical help,” continues Matthias. “At first, we had mainly classic questions, but as we grew and expanded our activities abroad, our needs changed. We received tailored advice, and the bank introduced us to local agencies abroad. In the long term, we will be able to turn to the experts of Global Trade Solutions, who offer global support in cash flow management.”
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