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Saving and investing

Saving and investing Pension savings The Pension Invest Plan is an individual life insurance policy (branch 21). All pension saving plans /sites/fortis-ebw/public/particuliers/epargner-et-placer/ Pension savings funds Want to pay less tax now and enjoy a higher pension later? Choose a tax-efficient mutual fund. /sites/fortis-ebw/public/particuliers/epargner-et-placer/ Pension savings insurance A Pension Invest Plan allows you to put money aside for more pension while paying less tax. /sites/fortis-ebw/public/particuliers/epargner-et-placer/ Long-term savings A Pension Invest Plan offers long-term pension savings with a guaranteed minimum return. /sites/fortis-ebw/public/particuliers/epargner-et-placer/ Calculate your pension Want to know how much you need to maintain your standard of living when you retire? Calculate it now! /sites/fortis-ebw/public/messagent/customer-flow/ Savings accounts These savings accounts are regulated savings accounts. All savings accounts /sites/fortis-ebw/public/particuliers/epargner-et-placer/ Savings account Open a simple savings account online. /sites/fortis-ebw/public/particuliers/epargner-et-placer/ Automatic savings Save a fixed or variable amount automatically with a standing order. /sites/fortis-ebw/public/particuliers/epargner-et-placer/ Automatically save your change We round every electronic payment you make up to the nearest euro and pay the difference into your savings account. /sites/fortis-ebw/public/particuliers/epargner-et-placer/ Rental guarantee Secure the rental guarantee for your rented home in a separate regulated savings account. /sites/fortis-ebw/public/particuliers/epargner-et-placer/ Investing Accounts will only be opened after your application has been accepted. Flexinvest is an investment fund without advice. All investment opportunities /sites/fortis-ebw/public/particuliers/epargner-et-placer/ Diversified investment With Flexinvest, you can invest from as little as 30 euros a month. Calculate your potential income and open the plan online now. /sites/fortis-ebw/public/particuliers/epargner-et-placer/ Buying or selling funds Buy or sell funds easily online with Easy Banking Web. /en/secured/save-and-invest/search-tool _self Buy new bonds Discover the overview of current issuances on the primary market. /sites/fortis-ebw/public/particuliers/epargner-et-placer/ Buy or sell existing bonds Discover the bonds you can buy and sell on the secondary market. /en/secured/save-and-invest/search-tool?product=secondaryMarkets _self Buying or selling shares Buy or sell shares easily online with Easy Banking Web. /en/secured/save-and-invest/search-tool _self Custody accounts You need this account to hold your securities. You can easily open one online. /sites/fortis-ebw/public/particuliers/epargner-et-placer/ Investor account The perfect solution to keep your investment transactions separate from your normal payment account. /sites/fortis-ebw/public/particuliers/epargner-et-placer/ Term deposit account This account gives you a fixed interest rate for the selected term. This means you know the exact return on your money. /sites/fortis-ebw/public/particuliers/epargner-et-placer/ Buy new savings certificates Discover the overview of current issuances on primary market /sites/fortis-ebw/public/particuliers/epargner-et-placer/ fr, nl Français English Nederlands Deutsch no yes yes yes yes yes yes ebw-specific/savings_and_investments [referer] = [] [sec-fetch-site] = [cross-site] [request-ctx-route] = [PROD] [true-client-ip] = [] [via] = [1.1 (AkamaiGHost), 1.1 (AkamaiGHost), HTTP/1.1 spsro935:443] [x-forwarded-url] = [] [x-forwarded-host] = [] [newversion] = [false] [host] = [localhost:1776] [request-ctx-applicationid] = [001] [connection] = [Keep-Alive] [sec-fetch-mode] = [navigate] [request-ctx-brand] = [FB] [accept-language] = [en-GB,en;q=0.9] [cookie] = [axes=en|PC|fb|priv|PC|884bcd02c87f467287341d85b8203dad|] [x-forwarded-for] = [,] [request-ctx-ip] = [] [ssl-protocol] = [TLSv1.2] [akamai-source] = [] [pragma] = [no-cache] [accept] = [text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8] [ssl-cipher] = [ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384] [x-forwarded-server] = [] [iv_server_name] = [EBEW-EASYWEB-ECH-PROD-webseald-spsro935] [request-ctx-env] = [PROD] [user-agent] = [Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 18_2_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) CriOS/131.0.6778.154 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1] [sec-fetch-dest] = [document] secured/products/products-offers-overview-savings false /ebw/fortis-auth-ebw_en/secured/products/ secured/products/products-offers-overview-savings /resources/ebw-portal/wcm/conf/fb/livesite-script-conf.xml templatedata/generic/html/data/scripts/fb/ts.xml true priv en fortis-auth-ebw_en q=(((TeamSite/Templating/DCR/Type:="ebw-specific/savings_and_investments")+AND+(G11N/Locale:="en"))+AND+(TeamSite/Metadata/Target-Segments/priv:="y"))+AND+((AreaRelativePath:="templatedata/ebw-specific/savings_and_investments/data/fortis-auth-ebw*")+OR+(AreaRelativePath:="templatedata/ebw-specific/savings_and_investments/data/common*"))&sort=-/Root/date 0 -2 0