Group insurance Pension@work


A group insurance

Pension@work is a group insurance that allows you to contribute to your employees' complementary pension scheme. You benefit from a tax advantage, as your company can deduct the premiums as professional expenses, subject to the 80% rule*.


An attractive extra

With a good group insurance plan, you can provide your staff with an attractive additional benefit. Experience shows that Pension@work is a competitive offer and a decisive tool for attracting and retaining motivated employees.


Request an offer

Do you want to know the benefits of Pension@work for your company or activity? Contact your advisor or the Easy Banking Centre on 02 433 43 34 for a video call meeting.

An advantage for all

In Belgium, the legal pension is under pressure. For many employees, a complementary pension, in addition to the legal pension, is therefore essential to maintain their standard of living.

Give your employees a head start by paying a monthly premium into a group insurance via Pension@work. It’s a gesture they will certainly appreciate... What's more, it's tax-efficient, both for them and for you.

Pension@work in short

As an self-employed manager, why opt for the group insurance Pension@work? Discover its main advantages.

A motivating salary policy

A good group insurance is an important tool for attracting, motivating, and rewarding staff. You determine the amount of premium you pay by category of workers.

A positive image

You contribute to the complementary pension of all your employees. At the same time, you offer their families protection in the event of incapacity or death. You show them that you are a caring employer.


You determine the financing from the start: you pay the premiums yourself, or you ask your employees to pay a personal contribution. You can also adapt the contributions during the contract period.

Less tax

Your company can fully deduct its contributions as professional expenses, subject to the 80% rule*. Your employees also benefit from a 30% tax reduction on their personal contribution.

Less social security contributions

As an employer, you pay an ONSS contribution of only 8.86% on the premiums paid. Group insurance is therefore the cheapest salary increase for your employees.

Transparent and efficient

You can easily and securely manage your employees' group insurance online. Your employees too can always see an overview of their pension plan via the MyAG Employee Benefits app and desktop application.

Choose from three formulas

  • The general pension plan for all your employees 
    If the person was already employed when you sign your contract, they can choose to join. New employees are automatically integrated into the pension plan.
  • The pension bonus plan 
    If the objectives are met, you pay a bonus to your employees for their complementary pension. This formula is more tax-efficient than if you paid a bonus through regular remuneration.
  • The individual pension commitment (IPC) 
    An additional motivation for key employees in your company, including managers, representatives, team leaders…


More than just a complementary pension

With a group insurance, you offer your employees and their families greater financial security in the event of incapacity or death.

Guarantees included

The group insurance includes two complementary guarantees that offer financial protection to your employees and their families:

  • capital in case of death: in the event of an employee's death before the legal retirement age, their beneficiaries will be entitled to a predefined minimum capital.
  • exemption from contributions: if your employee is temporarily or permanently unable to work, AG Insurance will reimburse the contributions for the constitution of their pension.

Optional guarantees

In addition to the pension bonus plan, you can integrate two other optional guarantees into your group insurance:

  • additional death capital in the event of accidental death: if your employee dies as a result of an accident, their beneficiaries will receive an additional capital on top of the death benefit.
  • income replacement in the event of incapacity: in the event of incapacity, your employee will receive a replacement income in addition to the legal income.

Not happy?

For any question, you can first contact your advisor or consult Article 21 of the general banking conditions.

If you have a complaint, you can address it to BNP Paribas Fortis SA, Complaint Management Service (JQABD), Montagne du Parc 3, 1000 Brussels. By phone: 02 228 72 18, email: or via the online form available on > Suggestions or complaints > online declaration form.

If the proposed solution does not satisfy you, you can address your complaint by mail to the Insurance Ombudsman Service, 35 Square de Meeûs, 1000 Brussels. Phone: 02 547 58 71 – Fax: 02 547 59 75 – -



Complementary pension insurances for workers are not covered by the protection regime applicable to branch 21 products and are therefore not covered by the Financial Services Guarantee Fund.

Do you want to receive tailored information or advice?Schedule an online appointment

Complete your cover

  • Pension Invest Plan

    Fiscally advantageous, the complementary pension scheme for the self-employed (PLCI) is a must for every entrepreneur, whether or not in a company, and start-ups. It's never too early to think about your pension. 

    Discover the PLCI

  • Individual pension commitment

    Are you a self-employed entrepreneur in a company? Combine your PLCI with an individual pension commitment (IPC). Your company pays the premiums for you and, under certain conditions, can fully deduct them in a tax-efficient manner. 

    Discover the insurance

  • Pension savings

    In addition to the complementary pension, you can take out, privately, a pension savings and long-term savings plan. This will further increase your capital while benefiting from a tax reduction each year.

    Discover pension savings

Legal information

Pension@work is a group insurance (branch 21) of Belgian law, distributed by BNP Paribas Fortis. This insurance is concluded for an agreed period.

AG SA, Bd É. Jacqmain 53, 1000 Brussels – RPM Brussels – VAT BE 0404.494.849 – - – Belgian insurance company approved under code 0079, under the supervision of the National Bank of Belgium, Bd de Berlaimont 14, 1000 Brussels.

Intermediary: BNP Paribas Fortis SA, Montagne du Parc 3, 1000 Brussels – RPM Brussels – VAT BE 0403.199.702 – is subject as a Belgian credit institution to the prudential supervision of the European Central Bank and the National Bank of Belgium. BNP Paribas Fortis SA is registered under the aforementioned enterprise number with the FSMA, Rue du Congrès 12-14, 1000 Brussels, and acts as a tied insurance agent, remunerated by commissions, for AG SA. BNP Paribas Fortis SA holds a stake of more than 10% in AG SA.

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