Optional Loan Insurance AG


Borrow with peace of mind

You can borrow money for your projects without putting yourself or your loved ones in financial difficulty in case of disability or death. A new car, renovation work... with this optional insurance, you can take out a loan with complete peace of mind.


Your monthly payments refunded

In the event of death, the outstanding balance of your loan is refunded. In the event of total, temporary or permanent disability, your monthly payments are refunded during the period covered by the insurance.


Quick and easy

After completing your loan application online, you can apply for the optional loan insurance online or via your advisor.

Optional loan insurance: one contract, two guarantees

The insurance that financially protects you and your loved ones in case of death or disability. Discover the guarantees and benefits here.

Guarantee in case of death

If you pass away due to illness or accident, the outstanding balance of your loan will be fully refunded. This means your loved ones will not have to assume the remaining debt of the covered loan.

Disability guarantee

In the event of total (> 66%), temporary or permanent disability, the insurance refunds your loan monthly payments after a 90-day waiting period, and this until the end of the loan or disability.

Easy to subscribe

No medical examination is required. Simply complete the membership form, either in an agency or online. If you meet the conditions (see below), the insurance will start as soon as the loan amount is credited to your account.

Clear and transparent

The premium is 3% of your loan’s monthly payment and is included in the monthly repayment.

Maximum amount

You are insured up to a maximum of €75,000 for the outstanding balances of all your covered loans.


To subscribe to this insurance, you must be under 70 years old at the end of the loan, not be unable to work and not have been unable to work for more than 30 consecutive days in the last 5 years, and not have suffered from a serious illness (diabetes, cancer...).

The scope of your protection

The main risks covered by the optional loan insurance

  • premature death of the insured

  • temporary or permanent disability (> 66%) after a 90-day waiting period

The main risks not covered by the optional loan insurance

  • death resulting from suicide within a year after the insurance start date

  • death or disability resulting from war or civil war

  • death resulting from an intentional act of the insured or a person with an interest in the benefit, or at their instigation

Discover the complete list of covered and non-covered risks

  • The above list is non exhaustive. Please refer to the general conditions to discover the exact scope of the guarantees. The information sheet lists the main characteristics of this insurance.

    To receive an offer, please contact your advisor or call the Easy Banking Centre at 02 762 90 00. You can also make an online simulation after completing the loan application procedure on our website.

Want to know more?

Before subscribing to the optional loan insurance, please consult the following documents:

Not satisfied?

If you have a complaint, you can address it to BNP Paribas Fortis SA, Complaint Management Service JQABD, Montagne du Parc 3, 1000 Brussels, tel. 02 228 72 18, or via > Suggestions or complaints > online declaration form.

If the proposed solution does not satisfy you, you can address your complaint by mail to the Insurance Ombudsman Service, Square de Meeûs 35, 1000 Brussels, BCE: 884.072.054, tel.: 02 547 58 71, -

A question? Need advice?

Our team is always happy to help.

Contact the Easy Banking Centre at 02 762 90 00 or make an appointment with your advisor.


Subscribe to an optional loan insurance


Borrow for your project

Online or with the help of your personal advisor, find the loan that best suits your project.


Think about getting insurance

Estimate the financial impact of your death or disability and check if you meet the membership conditions.


Sign up

Complete the subscription form within 30 days of accepting your loan application online (or within 60 days through your advisor). Your contract will start as soon as the loan amount is credited to your account.

Tailored protection

  • Job loss insurance

    Have you unexpectedly lost your job? The optional job loss insurance is a branch 16 collective insurance policy that gives you a helping hand and offers financial protection to your loved ones.

    Discover the insurance

  • Car liability insurance

    The car liability insurance (RC) covers material and physical damages you may cause to others, and more. You can drive with peace of mind in Belgium and abroad.

    Discover the RC insurance

  • Family insurance

    Top Family insurance (liability insurance) offers excellent coverage for you, your household members, your children, and your pets, in case one of you damages someone else's property or causes harm.

    Discover the Top Family insurance

  • Life and death insurance

    Save your family from financial worries in case of your death by subscribing to a life insurance policy.

    Protect your loved ones

Legal information

Credit form: loan. The provisions of the Consumer Credit Act of Chapter 1, Title 4, Book VII of the Economic Law Code apply. Subject to acceptance of your application by Alpha Credit SA, lender, Montagne du Parc 8/C, 1000 Brussels – RPM Brussels – VAT BE 0445.781.316. Tied agent: BNP Paribas Fortis SA, Montagne du Parc 3, 1000 Brussels – RPM Brussels – VAT BE 0403.199.702.

AG Insurance (in short AG) SABd E. Jacqmain 53, B-1000 Brussels - - - RPM Brussels – VAT BE 0404.494.849 - Insurance company approved under code number 0079, under the supervision of the National Bank of Belgium, Bd de Berlaimont 14, 1000 Brussels.

Intermediary : BNP Paribas Fortis SAMontagne du Parc 3, B-1000 Brussels – RPM Brussels – VAT BE 0403.199.702, is registered under this number with the FSMA, Rue du Congrès 12-14, 1000 Brussels, and acts as a tied insurance agent, remunerated by commissions, for AG Insurance SA. BNP Paribas Fortis SA holds a stake of more than 10% in AG Insurance SA.

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