What should I do if I suspect a fraudulent use of my debit card?

If your card has been used fraudulently, you can permanently block it via Easy Banking App.

  1. Log in to Easy Banking App.
  2. Tap on My Services then Accounts and Cards.
  3. Tap on the cards linked to the account and select the debit card to replace.
  4. Tap on Block Permanently or Replace.
  5. Indicate that it has been hacked.
  6. Confirm the permanent blocking of the card.
  7. Call the Easy Banking Centre via Help and Contact then Info and contact from the app.

Not using Easy Banking App?

  1. Contact the Easy Banking Centre.
  2. Outside the Easy Banking Centre's opening hours and only in case of suspected fraud, contact 02 433 43 75.
  3. Immediately block all your bank cards via Card Stop on 078 170 170.
  4. File a report with the police and send a copy of your statement to your BNP Paribas Fortis agency.
  5. Check in Easy Banking Web (Settings > Access to our apps), the devices on which your banking app has been installed and delete any suspicious or unknown ones.

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