What should I do if I suspect a fraudulent use of my debit card?
If your card has been used fraudulently, you can permanently block it via Easy Banking App.
- Log in to Easy Banking App.
- Tap on My Services then Accounts and Cards.
- Tap on the cards linked to the account and select the debit card to replace.
- Tap on Block Permanently or Replace.
- Indicate that it has been hacked.
- Confirm the permanent blocking of the card.
- Call the Easy Banking Centre via Help and Contact then Info and contact from the app.
Not using Easy Banking App?
- Contact the Easy Banking Centre.
- Outside the Easy Banking Centre's opening hours and only in case of suspected fraud, contact 02 433 43 75.
- Immediately block all your bank cards via Card Stop on 078 170 170.
- File a report with the police and send a copy of your statement to your BNP Paribas Fortis agency.
- Check in Easy Banking Web (Settings > Access to our apps), the devices on which your banking app has been installed and delete any suspicious or unknown ones.