CPTI – Pension scheme for the self-employed


A supplementary pension

The Pension Scheme for Self-Employed Workers (CPTI) from AG is a branch 21 savings insurance for self-employed individuals who are not in a company. It enables you to build up a supplementary pension in a tax-efficient way, in addition to your Free Supplementary Pension for Self-Employed (PCLI).


Fiscally interesting

You benefit from an immediate tax reduction of 30% on the premiums paid, provided you respect the 80% rule*.
At the time of your legal retirement (early), the tax rate on your pension capital is only 10%.


Make an appointment

Do you want personalised advice on pension plans for self-employed individuals? We will be happy to help you. Contact your personal advisor or call the Easy Banking Centre at 02 433 43 34 for a video conference.

In combination with your PCLI

The Free Supplementary Pension for Self-Employed (PCLI) is the first step towards a financially comfortable retirement. Thanks to the tax benefits, you recover 50 to 70% of your contributions. However, the amount you can deduct annually as professional expenses is limited to 8.17% of your reference income and a maximum of €4,000.44 for the year 2025.

Self-employed individuals in a company can benefit from an even more interesting tax benefit by combining their PCLI with the Individual Pension Commitment (EIP). Since 2018, there has been an equivalent for self-employed individuals without a company: the CPTI.

An explanation of CPTI

Discover the main benefits of this supplementary pension insurance for self-employed individuals without a company.

Tax optimisation

You benefit from an interesting tax benefit on your CPTI premiums, provided you do not exceed the 80% limit*.
Our advisors will be happy to calculate the maximum premium you can pay each year.

A safe investment

With this branch 21 savings insurance, you benefit from the security of a protected capital and a guaranteed interest rate, possibly supplemented by an annual profit-sharing participation.

Financial serenity

Easily ensure your comfort and that of your family with the optional supplementary guarantee in case of incapacity for work. You benefit from tailored protection against loss of income in case of illness or accident.

Protection in case of death

With the optional supplementary guarantee in case of death, you ensure financial protection for your loved ones and your company if you were to pass away before the pension age. In this case, your beneficiaries will immediately receive the capital you have predetermined.

Also for assistants

In addition to self-employed individuals and liberal professionals, self-employed assistants and assisting spouses can also take out a CPTI.

Real estate financing

You can use the reserve built up, even before your legal retirement age, to purchase, build, renovate or refresh a property in the European Economic Area.

For financial serenity

Expand your CPTI by integrating optional supplementary guarantees for increased protection. Combine pension, assets, and insurance in a beneficial policy.

  • A guarantee in case of incapacity for work

    Protect your family and yourself against the financial consequences of incapacity for work due to illness or accident. You can opt for a monthly allowance and/or reimbursement of your pension premiums.

    Discover the guarantee

  • Guarantee in case of death

    Ensure the standard of living of your family in case of death. You can opt for a minimum capital to be paid in case of death or a supplementary pension capital in case of accidental death.

    Discover the guarantee

Return, fees, and risks

Guaranteed interest rate

The net amount of each premium (after deduction of taxes and entry fees) is invested until pension (also early pension) age at the interest rate at the time of payment. This rate remains valid for the entire duration of the contract.

Variable profit-sharing participation

You also benefit from a possible annual profit-sharing participation on your CPTI premiums. This profit-sharing participation is not guaranteed, may vary from year to year, and depends on the results of AG and the economic situation.

The return in detail

The gross overall return (guaranteed interest rate + profit-sharing participation) of the Pension Scheme for Self-Employed Workers from AG was 2.00% in 2024.

This return does not take into account fees and taxes. It relates to the past and is not a reliable indicator of future returns.

Année Rendement global brut
2024 2,00%
2023 2,00%
2022 1,80%
2021 1,80%
2020 1,80%

Contributions and taxation at liquidation

Your CPTI will be released at the time of your legal (also early) retirement. Upon liquidation of the capital, you will pay an INAMI contribution of 3.55% and a solidarity contribution of up to 2% on the acquired capital and profit-sharing.

Additionally, you will pay tax on the capital (plus the municipal tax). In the event of liquidation during your lifetime, starting from the date you meet the conditions for early retirement or in the event of death, your pension capital is subject to personal income tax at a rate of 10%. In all other cases, a distinct rate of 33% applies.

Any profit-sharing you may receive is exempt from this taxation


Supplementary pension insurances for self-employed individuals are not covered by the protection regime applicable to branch 21 products and are therefore not covered by the Financial Services Guarantee Fund.

In 3 steps

Ready for your pension interview


Gather together your pension documents

Gather your latest pension documents for your legal and supplementary pensions. These are available on


Keep your documents near

Have these documents at hand during your interview with your advisor in the agency or online.


Receive a tailored proposal

You’ll receive a tailored proposal for an optimal pension plan that respects the 80% rule.

Do you want personalised advice on pensions?Make an appointment

You prioritise sustainability

General sustainability policy

To reflect the responsible nature of its products, AG implements different strategies such as:

  • the integration of environmental, social, and governance factors (using ESG risk scores, among others)
  • the exclusion of controversial activities (tobacco, arms, coal, non-conventional energies such as tar sands and shale gas and oil...)
  • the exclusion of companies that do not respect the principles of the United Nations Global Compact
  • the "best-in-class" approach
  • active ownership

This product has environmental or social characteristics but does not have a sustainable investment objective as such.

You will find more information on AG's approach to investing sustainably and responsibly in its branch 21 products.

The Towards Sustainability label

The CPTI received the "Towards Sustainability" label in March 2020. Regularly re-evaluated and under permanent control, the label is a quality standard supervised by the Central Labelling Agency (CLA). 
To meet this standard, financial products must meet a number of minimum sustainability requirements, both at the portfolio and investment process levels. You will find more information about the label on

Obtaining this label does not mean that the CPTI meets your own sustainability objectives.

More information?

Not satisfied?

Pour toute question, vous pouvez, en première instance, vous adresser à votre conseiller ou encore consulter l’article 21 des conditions générales bancaires.

Si vous avez une plainte, vous pouvez l’adresser à BNP Paribas Fortis SA, Service Gestion des Plaintes JQABD, Montagne du Parc 3, 1000 Bruxelles, tel. 02 228 72 18, ou via > Suggestions ou plaintes > formulaire de déclaration en ligne.

Si la solution proposée ne vous satisfait pas, vous pouvez adresser votre plainte par courrier auprès du service de l’Ombudsman des Assurances, Square de Meeûs 35, 1000 Bruxelles, BCE : 884.072.054, tél. : 02 547 58 71, -

For any question, you can, in the first instance, contact your advisor or consult article 21 of the general banking conditions.

If you have a complaint, you can send it to BNP Paribas Fortis SA, Complaint Management JQABD, Montagne du Parc 3, 1000 Brussels, tel. 02 228 72 18, or via > > Suggestions or complaints > online declaration form.If the proposed solution does not satisfy you, you can send your complaint by mail to the Insurance Ombudsman service, Square de Meeûs 35, 1000 Brussels, BCE: 884.072.054, tel.: 02 547 58 71,

For any question, you can, in the first instance, contact your advisor or consult article 21 of the general banking conditions.


Also of interest to you

  • PLCI

    Fiscally advantageous, the Free Supplementary Pension for the Self-Employed is a must for every entrepreneur, in a company or not. Also for those starting out. It's never too early to think about your pension. 

    Discover the PCLI

  • Pension savings

    In addition to the supplementary pension, you can take out, on a private basis, a pension savings plan and a long-term savings plan. This will increase your capital even more while you are also benefiting from a tax reduction every year. 

    Discover pension savings

  • Guaranteed income insurance

    Do you want to be covered against the consequences of incapacity for work due to illness or accident, regardless of your pension? Protect yourself, your family, and your loved ones with guaranteed income insurance. 

    Discover the insurance

Legal information

The 80% rule says that the sum of the legal pension (first pillar) of the worker and his or her supplementary pensions (second pillar) constituted by the employer cannot exceed 80% of his or her last annual gross salary, over a full career of 40 years. The supplementary pension that he or she can constitute privately through pension savings or long-term savings (third pillar) is not taken into account in this calculation.

Supplementary pension insurances for workers are not covered by the protection regime applicable to branch 21 products and are therefore not covered by the Financial Services Guarantee Fund.

The Pension Scheme for Self-Employed Workers (CPTI) is a branch 21 pension insurance from AG, distributed by BNP Paribas Fortis.

AG Insurance (in short AG) SA – Bd E. Jacqmain 53, B-1000 Brussels - - - RPM Brussels – VAT BE 0404.494.849 - Insurance company approved under code number 0079, under the control of the National Bank of Belgium, Bd de Berlaimont 14, 1000 Brussels.

Intermediary: BNP Paribas Fortis SA – Montagne du Parc 3, B-1000 Brussels – RPM Brussels – VAT BE 0403.199.702, is registered under this number with the FSMA, Rue du Congrès 12-14, 1000 Brussels, and acts as a tied insurance agent, remunerated by commissions, for AG Insurance SA. BNP Paribas Fortis SA holds a participation of more than 10% in AG Insurance SA.

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