Extended legal protection
Get legal advice, protection against insolvency and cover for the cost of legal proceedings.
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By opting for legal expenses cover* to complement your business vehicle's liability insurance, you can count on the expertise of Providis** to support you with a legal dispute, with the focus on settling out of court.
This business insurance policy provides advice, expertise and assistance to defend your interests. Lawyers' fees, expert fees and the costs of legal proceedings are covered.
Whether you’re self-employed or a business owner, discuss your legal cover with your advisor or call the Easy Banking Centre on 02 433 43 34 to schedule a video call.
* This legal expenses cover is a Belgian-law insurance product from AG SA, distributed by BNP Paribas Fortis SA. This complementary insurance is taken out jointly with third-party vehicle insurance. The policy is valid for 1 year, at the end of which it will be renewed by tacit agreement for the same period, except where it is cancelled at least three months before the renewal date.
For a policy taken out or renewed by tacit agreement on or after 1 October 2024, you have until two months before the renewal date to cancel it.
** Providis is an independent entity of AG SA.
Entrepreneurship involves taking calculated risks... for example, by ensuring you have the right expertise in the event of a dispute, legal matter or court appearance.
For legal matters like a prosecution for speeding, a poorly repaired car, an incorrect expert report or a third party who’s responsible for an accident but is refusing to pay damages, you can count on professional and independent advice. And if the matter can’t be settled out of court, your lawyer and the costs of legal proceedings are covered.
Extended legal protection
Get legal advice, protection against insolvency and cover for the cost of legal proceedings.
Costs of legal proceedings covered up to €50,000
In the event of a dispute or other legal matter, Providis** – AG’s specialist provider of legal expenses cover – advises you independently. And if necessary, the costs of legal proceedings are covered up to €50,000.
Insolvency protection up to €15,000
If your car is damaged after an accident, and the party responsible is insolvent, your legal expenses cover provides compensation of up to €15,000.
Advance on compensation
If the amount of compensation you will receive has been validated by the opposing party, but the payment has been delayed, it’s not a problem: your legal expenses cover will advance up to €20,000.
your criminal defence costs if you are prosecuted as the owner or driver for a traffic offence attributed to your vehicle
costs in relation to civil proceedings if you suffer damage caused by a third party
contractual disputes (e.g. with a garage after a repair)
the insolvency of a third party, with material damage 100% covered and other damage covered up to a limit of €15,000
costs and fees incurred before submitting your request for assistance
fines from and settlements with the Belgian public prosecutor's office
fines from and settlements with the Belgian public prosecutor's office
The above list of covered risks and exclusions is not exhaustive. The exact scope of the guarantees can be found in the standard terms and conditions. To find out the main characteristics of this insurance policy, you can consult the information document. To receive a quote, you can contact your advisor or call the Easy Banking Centre on 02 433 43 34.
Read the following documents before signing your legal expenses insurance policy
If you have any questions, you can contact your advisor in the first instance or consult Article 21 of the standard banking terms and conditions.
Complaints can be made to BNP Paribas Fortis SA, Complaints Department (JQABD), Montagne du Parc 3, 1000 Brussels (tel. +32 2 228 72 18, e-mail : gestiondesplaintes@bnpparibasfortis.com), or via the online form available on www.bnpparibasfortis.be > Suggestions or complaints > online complaints form.
If you’re not happy with the proposed solution, you can send your complaint by post to the Insurance Ombudsman, Square de Meeûs 35, 1000 Brussels – BCE 884.072.054 – Tel: 02 547 58 71– info@ombudsman-insurance.be - http://www.ombudsman-insurance.be.
If you need advice or would like to make a claim, our team is here to help!
In the event of a breakdown or accident, we take care of the repair, transport to the garage and a replacement vehicle. And we bring everyone home! This is an assistance insurance policy for business vehicles of up to 3.5 tonnes.
Third-party insurance for your company car, van and truck covers damage caused to third parties in the event of an accident. Your passengers or colleagues are also protected.
More information
Protect yourself, your team and your business from breakdowns, theft and accidents, even if you’re at fault. Top Véhicule Moto insurance covers your business scooters, motorcycles and mopeds.
AG Insurance SA/nv – 53 Boulevard Emile Jacqmain, B-1000 Brussels – RPM/RPR Brussels – VAT BE 0404.494.849 – http://www.aginsurance.be - info@aginsurance.be. Accredited insurance company licenced under code number 0079, under the supervision of the National Bank of Belgium, 14 Boulevard de Berlaimont, B-1000 Brussels.
Intermediary: BNP Paribas Fortis SA/nv – 3 Montagne du Parc, B-1000 Brussels – RPM/RPR Brussels – VAT BE 0403.199.702, registered with the FSMA, 12-14 Rue du Congrès, B-1000 Brussels, under code number 025879 and acting as a contractually appointed insurance agent on behalf of AG Insurance SA/nv. BNP Paribas Fortis SA/nv holds a stake of more than 10% in AG Insurance SA/nv.
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