Daily banking #daily-banking Bank accounts /media/Illustrations/AccountsPacks_HandWithGraph/BNPPF.svg Compare our payment accounts /sites/fortis-ebw_en/public/particuliers/la-banque-au-quotidien/comptes-a-vue.page Young person's payment account /sites/fortis-ebw_en/public/particuliers/la-banque-au-quotidien/hello4you.page Children's payment account /sites/fortis-ebw_en/public/particuliers/la-banque-au-quotidien/welcome-pack.page Savings accounts – general information /sites/fortis-ebw_en/public/particuliers/epargner-et-placer/info-epargne.page Our savings accounts /sites/fortis-ebw_en/public/particuliers/epargner-et-placer/comptes-depargne.page Bank cards /media/Illustrations/Cards/BNPPF.svg Bancontact-Visa Debit Card /sites/fortis-ebw_en/public/particuliers/la-banque-au-quotidien/carte-de-debit-bancontact-visa.page Compare our credit cards /sites/fortis-ebw_en/public/particuliers/la-banque-au-quotidien/cartes-de-credit.page Visa credit card /sites/fortis-ebw_en/public/particuliers/la-banque-au-quotidien/visa-classic.page Mastercard Gold credit card /sites/fortis-ebw_en/public/particuliers/la-banque-au-quotidien/mastercard-gold.page Credit card for young people /sites/fortis-ebw_en/public/particuliers/la-banque-au-quotidien/carte-de-credit-hello4you.page All our solutions y /sites/fortis-ebw_en/public/particuliers/la-banque-au-quotidien/cartes-de-paiement.page Payments /media/Illustrations/ApplePay/BNPPF.svg With Easy Banking App /sites/fortis-ebw_en/public/particuliers/la-banque-au-quotidien/easy-banking-app-pri.page With Easy Banking Web /sites/fortis-ebw_en/public/particuliers/la-banque-au-quotidien/easy-banking-web-pri.page Contactless payments /sites/fortis-ebw_en/public/particuliers/la-banque-au-quotidien/mes-paiements-sans-contact.page Network of CASH distributor points /sites/fortis-ebw_en/public/particuliers/la-banque-au-quotidien/points-cash.page Abroad /sites/fortis-ebw_en/public/particuliers/la-banque-au-quotidien/payer-en-dehors-de-leurope.page Transfer, IBAN, direct debit, Zoomit… /sites/fortis-ebw_en/public/particuliers/la-banque-au-quotidien/paiements.page Online security /sites/fortis-ebw_en/public/particuliers/la-banque-au-quotidien/ma-securite-en-ligne.page Our advice gray-links Self-banking via Easy Banking App and Web /sites/fortis-ebw_en/public/particuliers/la-banque-au-quotidien/self-banking.page Your payment methods https://mylife.bnpparibasfortis.be/nouveaux-moyens-de-paiement _blank Which payment card to use and when? https://mylife.bnpparibasfortis.be/nouveaux-moyens-de-paiement/carte-de-debit-de-credit-paiement-optimal _blank Remote or face-to-face advice /sites/fortis-ebw_en/public/particuliers/la-banque-au-quotidien/nos-services.page Did you know? /media/images/R2/easy-banking-app3.jpg promotions Easy Banking App, try it and you'll love it. 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Protect yourself from fraud and phishing


The good and the not-so-good

With email, online shopping, social media etc., the internet has pushed back the boundaries.

But to keep the experience positive and avoid pitfalls, some vigilance is required.


Stay alert

Have you received a strange message? Don't click on the link. More generally, never share your confidential data.

Any exchange of sensitive with your bank is done via our secure channels, Easy Banking App and Easy Banking Web.


Get informed so you can respond better

Learn how to recognise scams! Discover our practical tips in the video below, test your knowledge, and stay calm in the face of suspicious requests.

Too late? Here's what you can do.

The reality behind the words
Watch a real-life example
How to identify a suspicious link
Follow our practical tips

How do you recognise fraud?

Convincing and believable

To avoid being caught out, you need to start by recognising this type of fraud. Which is not easy at first glance.

  • Fraudsters use all the channels at their disposal: emails, text messages, phone calls, social media, letters and the rest. So any communication could be fraudulent, regardless of its form.
  • The logo, font, footer and signature all make the message look like it could be from the alleged sender. Fraudsters can also create perfect copies of official websites. It's hard to tell the difference without checking the URL carefully.
  • The message content seems totally credible. And that's normal: fraudsters are very ingenious in devising a plausible scenario.
  • Fraudulent messages no longer necessarily contain spelling mistakes.
  • The language used is often excellent: fraudsters speak perfect Dutch, English or French. And they are usually very friendly.
  • They can spoof phone numbers and email addresses, which seem correct but aren’t.
  • They can also do things like intercept an invoice you're expecting by email after purchasing goods or services and change the payee’s account number. So check all the details (sender's email address, phone number etc.) and compare the account number with the one on your order!

Reasons to be suspicious

  • The goal is to obtain confidential information. Are your secret codes – M1, M2, etc. – being requested? If so, it’s highly likely that it's an attempt to commit fraud.
  • The message is clear, you need to take urgent action. You feel pressured, stressed. And that's exactly what they want: to get you to act without taking the time to think. You lower your guard and end up giving them the requested information.
  • You're asked to pay money, whether the fraudsters are posing as a supplier for an allegedly unpaid invoice or as a friend stuck in hospital, by clicking on a link.
  • An email is sent to you to finalise your online purchase and initiate payment. You're invited to click on the link in the email. If you click, you're directed to a fraudulent website where your banking data will be captured.

As you’ll have realised, this type of scam involves a certain amount of psychological manipulation.

How should you react?

Never share your confidential data

There are fraudsters who try to impersonate BNP Paribas Fortis by email, text message and telephone. Under no circumstances will we EVER ask you:

  • for any codes related to your cards (including the 3-digit CVV code on the back of your card) or your Easy Banking App or Web access codes
  • for any codes received by text message or generated by your card reader or by itsme® 
  • to install any software allowing us to take control of your device remotely
  • to confirm or cancel a transaction via itsme®
  • to transfer money into a supposedly secure account

Similarly, we will NEVER come to your home to collect your cards, card readers, codes, mobile phone or anything else. 

Please also use the same level of caution if you receive a message or call supposedly coming from an official authority like the police or a government department, a company, a helpdesk or Card Stop.

Use your common sense

Ask yourself the right questions, and stay wary.

  • Buying a luxury watch for €30 euros on a second-hand website: is it plausible?
  • Winning a contest you didn't enter: isn't that too good to be true?
  • Who is the author of the message? How can you check their identity? Contact the merchant or your bank directly to verify the message's authenticity, go online and enter the URL yourself in your browser.

Banking in the digital age

Be vigilant, even when receiving communications from your bank, as fraudsters may try to imitate our messages.

Discover our tips

Outsmarting the phishers

Fraudsters use various techniques: they pose as government departments, service providers or other reputable entities.

How can you protect yourself?

Friendship and romance scams

Every day, thousands of people fall under the spell of fake online profiles.

How can you recognise this trap?

Financial mules

Fraudsters use financial mules to launder money that’s been illegally obtained.

How to protect yourself

Investment fraud

Our news feeds are full of get-rich-quick schemes. How can you distinguish reality from illusion?

Browse with caution

Payment cards: fraud on the rise

Fraud attempts are increasingly ingenious and difficult to identify. Discover our tips to avoid them.

Learn more

Quishing: be cautious with QR Codes

QR codes can sometimes redirect you to fraudulent sites. Discover how to avoid traps and protect your data.

Learn more

Invoice fraud

Discover our tips to identify invoice fraud attempts and protect your assets.

Learn more

Your digital identity with itsme®

With the itsme® app, you can connect quickly and sign transactions securely.

Learn more

It's official, it's Safeonweb

Tests and training

Test your knowledge of digital security for free and take training courses on Safeonweb, the official Belgian government website for IT security.

Take the test

An anti-phishing app

The Safeonweb app was developed by the Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium. The app alerts you to cyber threats and online scams, and offers security tips.

Discover Safeonweb

Have you received a suspicious message or clicked on something you shouldn’t have?

Have you received a suspicious message?

Have you received a message with our logo, inviting you to share your account number, card number, or M1 or M2 code?

Don't respond and don't click on the link! Send the email, screenshot of the text message etc. to  phishing@bnpparibasfortis.com

Have you received a message from a supplier or official body urging you to click on a link, then sign into your “online banking service”? Send the email, screenshot of the text message etc. to suspect@safeonweb.be

Think you may have disclosed confidential data?

  • Check your most recent transactions to identify any suspicious transactions.
  • Contact PrivilegeConnect (Mon-Fri 7am-10pm, Sat 9am-5pm) on 02 433 43 10 if you’re a Private Banking client or 02 433 43 40 if you’re a Wealth Management client.
  • Outside of PrivilegeConnect's opening hours and only in case of suspected fraud, contact 02 433 43 80.
  • Immediately block all your bank cards via Card Stop on 078 170 170 or block your debit card using the Easy Banking App.
  • If necessary, file a report with the police and send a copy of your police report to your private banker or wealth manager.
  • Check, via Easy Banking App (Settings > Security > Devices with our apps) or Easy Banking Web (Settings > Access to our apps), which devices your banking app has been installed on and remove any suspicious or unknown ones.

You'll find more information at Safeonweb.be  and from the Federation of the Belgian Financial Sector.

More information on security

The basics of online security

Choose complex and unique passwords, browse using a secure connection, lock and update your devices etc.

Discover the basics to ensure your online security.

Good security habits

Fully secure banking

Whether on your computer, smartphone or tablet, with Easy Banking Web and Easy Banking App you do your banking wherever and whenever you want, and always securely.

Our procedures and tips ensure a secure environment.

Easy Banking security

Share your Easy Banking Web screen
If you are currently in phone or chat contact with an Easy Banking advisor, you can start sharing your Easy Banking Web screen.
Share the session number
In order to activate the sharing of your Easy Banking Web screen, please communicate the session number below to the Easy Banking advisor with whom you are in contact.

Session number: