Accountable, an all-in-one accounting solution


A tax and accounting app

Discover Accountable, your comprehensive solution to simplify your accounting, tax compliance and financial management. Tax calculations, tax returns, payment tracking... the app takes care of everything!


Online services and expertise

Accountable is an accounting app that helps you spend less time dealing with invoices, receipts and tax obligations, as well as providing you with a team of specialists to answer all your questions. 


One month free for you

As a BNP Paribas Fortis starter* client, you can claim an exclusive benefit: a 1-month free trial of the Accountable PRO plan!

Find out more about Accountable
See how the Accountable app simplifies tax compliance and accounting for self-employed people and businesses.

Reinvent your accounting

How can Accountable help you spend less time on tax and accounting?

  • A team at your service by phone, chat or email
  • Tax returns submitted in a fully secure way
  • On-demand, fixed-price tax advice via a network of accountants


Find out the benefits of Accountable in three steps


Watch the video

Discover how Accountable can make your accounting easier by watching the video.


Discover Accountable

Visit the Accountable website by clicking the button below.


Sign up for your free trial

Request your one-month free trial as a BNP Paribas Fortis client.

  • Testimonials from starters

    Find out how other starters are using Accountable to simplify their financial management.

    Read their testimonials

  • Tailored insurance

    If you’re starting up a business, it’s a good idea to protect yourself from the start. Choose the customised insurance cover that suits your needs.

    Discover our insurance policies

  • Think about your pension

    By starting to build a supplementary pension pot today, you can prepare for the future and enjoy the related tax benefits.

    Prepare your pension

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If you are currently in phone or chat contact with an Easy Banking advisor, you can start sharing your Easy Banking Web screen.
Share the session number
In order to activate the sharing of your Easy Banking Web screen, please communicate the session number below to the Easy Banking advisor with whom you are in contact.

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