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This page provides a summary of all relevant information regarding the two different regulated savings formulas offered by BNP Paribas Fortis, both of which fall under category B (regulated savings accounts subject to maximum balances).
In the event of a transfer from one savings account to another opened in the same name with the same institution, other than by means of a standing order, the loyalty bonus for the first savings account will continue to vest, provided that the transfer amount is at least €500 and the account holder has not already carried out three such transfers from the same savings account during the same calendar year.
The interest you receive is always made up of a basic interest rate and a loyalty bonus.
Note that the combined basic rate and loyalty bonus is only valid today for amounts that remain on your account for one year and provided that the basic rate does not change!
Before opening a savings account, please read the key information document for savers.
1 |
Plus savings account |
Cat. | Basic interest rate | Loyalty bonus | Total interest rate | Applicable terms and conditions | |
B | 0,50 % per annum | 1,00 % per annum | 1,50 % per annum | Balance capped at €100,000. Only one account opened in the same name with BNP Paribas Fortis or Hello bank! | |
2 |
Savings account |
Cat. | Basic interest rate | Loyalty bonus | Total interest rate | Applicable terms and conditions | |
B | 0,50 % per annum | 0,25 % per annum | 0,75 % per annum | Balance capped at €250,000. Only one account opened in the same name with BNP Paribas Fortis or Hello bank! | |
Interest is paid at the basic rate from the day after the deposit is made on the account and until the day of withdrawal. The basic interest rate may be changed by the bank at any time. Interest at the basic rate is paid into your account with a value date of 1 January or when the account is closed.
The loyalty bonus is only paid on amounts that have remained in the regulated savings account for an uninterrupted period of 12 months following the deposit. If you withdraw your money before the end of the 12-month period, you will not receive a loyalty bonus on the amount withdrawn. The bonus applies from the day after a deposit is made. The day after the loyalty bonus vests, a new 12-month vesting period begins. The loyalty bonus rate may be changed by the bank at any time. The loyalty bonus rate in force at the time a deposit is made or at the start of a new vesting period remains unchanged for a period of 12 months. After it has vested, the loyalty bonus is paid into your account on the first day of the quarter following the quarter in which it vested, i.e. 1 January, 1 April, 1 July and 1 October, or when the account is closed.
In the event of changes to the rates mentioned above, customers will be informed via a notice in their account statements.
Fees and charges: these savings accounts are free of charge, except for any postal charges if account statements are sent to your home by post. If the account balance is less than €25 and no withdrawals or deposits have been made over a period of 10 years, a charge of €2.50 will be made each year, but only if the account holder is 24 years old or more and has no other accounts with BNP Paribas Fortis.
A savings calculator is provided by all credit institutions in relation to all individual regulated savings accounts. The aim is to enable you to see how the different types of interest (basic rate and loyalty bonus) apply to a given account, so that you can estimate the financial impact of a potential withdrawal. You can access this tool electronically via Easy Banking Web.
After logging in, access your account list via "Accounts and Cards". In the savings account section, click on the menu button to the right of the savings account from which you want to simulate a withdrawal. In the drop-down menu, click on "Withdrawal simulation" and enter the date and amount of the planned withdrawal. The details and total of all loyalty bonuses that are currently vesting and will be lost are displayed.
Visit to use the simulator developed by the FSMA, the aim of which is to offer you an overview of the remuneration available on each regulated savings account and from each financial institution, after entering a few details such as the amount and term of the savings.
The link will take you to the webpage of Febelfin's bank-switching service. You will find all the information you need to use the service if you’d like to change banks.
If the financial institution becomes insolvent or shows a risk of insolvency, the saver could see the portion of their savings exceeding €100,000 (the amount covered by the deposit protection mechanism) held with that financial institution reduced or converted into shares (through a "bail-in") and may therefore not recover that money.
You can obtain more information on the deposit protection system on the website of the Belgian Deposit Guarantee Fund (
A sustained rise in prices could cause the money deposited in an account to lose value in real terms.
The savings accounts described on this page are regulated savings accounts offered by BNP Paribas Fortis. These products are governed by Belgian law and have an unlimited duration.
No withholding tax is payable on interest up to a certain level (€1,050 for the 2025 income year) per account, per natural person resident in Belgium and per year. This amount is doubled for accounts opened in the names of married or legally cohabiting spouses (i.e. a limit of €2,100 for the 2025 income year). A withholding tax of 15% is payable on any interest exceeding the limit. The tax is automatically withheld at source by your bank. If you have several savings accounts, you must declare in your tax return any interest you receive above the limit and on which you have not paid the withholding tax.
Any complaint about our products or services should be sent by post to BNP Paribas Fortis SA – Complaints Department– Montagne du Parc 3, 1000 Brussels or by email to
If you’re not happy with the proposed solution, you can send your complaint by post to Ombudsfin – Financial Services Mediation Service - North Gate II, Blvd du Roi Albert II 8 (Bte 2), 1000 Brussels or by email to
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