Moped insurance

Get a moped insurance policy tailored to your needs.

  • Compulsory motorcycle insurance

    This compulsory third-party insurance policy covers damage caused to other road users if you are responsible for an accident.

    Discover third-party motorcycle insurance from AG

  • Top Omnium Moto insurance

    Top Omnium Moto is a comprehensive insurance policy that provides the most extensive cover against damage to your motorcycle.

    Discover third-party motorcycle insurance from AG

  • Breakdown assistance

    Take out breakdown assistance for one or several vehicles, for you or your family, and with or without personal assistance. Don't get stranded on the side of the road.

    Discover breakdown assistance

  • Accident cover

    Protect you, your family and your finances against the consequences of a non-work-related accident as the driver or passenger of the vehicle specified in the policy.

    Discover accident cover from AG

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