Pension savings

Tax relief and a comfortable pension

Save for a private pension alongside your state pension and benefit from an immediate tax benefit of up to 30%. The earlier you start, the more time your money has to grow.

Pension savings

Getting started

  • Pension savings fund

    Want a bigger pension? By investing in a pension savings fund, you determine the risk level based on your risk/return profile. You benefit from tax relief, potentially higher returns and other advantages as well.

    Pension savings fund

  • Insurance-based pension savings

    Do you prefer to play it safe? A pension savings insurance policy (branch 21 life insurance) allows you to put money aside for your pension while enjoying tax relief, capital protection at maturity and a guaranteed interest rate.

    Insurance-based pension savings

  • Long-term savings

    Already saving for your pension and want to put a bit more money aside? With this pension savings insurance policy (branch 21 life insurance), you can save for the long term and while also benefiting from tax relief, capital protection at maturity and a guaranteed interest rate.

    Long-term savings

More about tax benefits

How much should you save and what’s the maximum amount for your pension savings? Want to know more about taxation? More information on pension savings and their tax benefits.

Why choose BNP Paribas Fortis?

Looking to start a pension savings plan or make an investment? Discover why your pension and investments are in good hands with us.

Pension savings

Optimising your pension savings

Already have a pension savings plan?

Already saving for your pension? How can you make the most of it? Discover the different possibilities for optimising your pension savings.

Also of interest

  • Pensions: what you need to know

    Starting to plan your retirement? Or do you want more information on pensions? Find out everything you need to know in our article.

    Read the article

  • Combining tax-efficient savings with a mortgage

    Do you want to maximise your tax benefits? Find out how to combine a mortgage effectively with tax-efficient savings!

    Read the article

  • Pensions: a customer’s story

    Do you have questions about saving for your pension and want a real-life example? Check out this article by one of our customers!

    Read the article

  • Taking out a pension savings plan after 50?

    Even if you’re over 50, it's still a good plan to start saving for your pension. Find out everything you need to know about pension savings from the age of 50.

    Read the article

Prepare for your pension now Simulate your pension savings
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