Family insurance

With family insurance, you’re covered if you, your family or your pet cause damage to a third party. In the event of an accident involving physical injury, your accident insurance limits the financial consequences for you. Comprehensive legal expenses insurance allows you to assert your rights in the event of a dispute. And with unemployment insurance, you can continue to meet your financial obligations even if you lose your job.

Family insurance

Top Familiale liability insurance covers you, the members of your household and your pet against everyday accidents caused to third parties, anywhere in the world.

Family insurance


Individual accident insurance

Top Accidents insurance compensates for the financial consequences of a non-work accident involving physical injury, in addition to your other insurance policies.

Individual accident insurance

Providis comprehensive legal expenses insurance

Comprehensive legal expenses insurance allows you to assert your rights and arrange representation in court proceedings.

Providis comprehensive legal expenses insurance

Unemployment insurance

With collective living expenses insurance, you receive an allowance to pay your monthly expenses in the event of unemployment or disability.

Unemployment insurance

Moving in together or getting married?

Have you decided to move in with your partner? A new life is beginning! Discover the details of different types of cohabitation.

Read the article

Legal information

AG Insurance (abbreviated to AG) SABd E. Jacqmain 53, B-1000 Brussels - - - RPM Brussels – VAT BE 0404.494.849 - Insurance company approved under code number 0079, under the supervision of the National Bank of Belgium, Bd de Berlaimont 14, 1000 Brussels. 

Intermediary: BNP Paribas Fortis SAMontagne du Parc 3, B-1000 Brussels – RPM Brussels – VAT BE 0403.199.702 is registered under this number with the FSMA, rue du Congrès 12-14, 1000 Brussels, and acts as a tied insurance agent, remunerated by commission, for AG Insurance SA. BNP Paribas Fortis SA holds a stake of more than 10% in AG Insurance SA.

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