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Make payments to all countries in the SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) zone with the same ease, security and execution time as your payments in Belgium.
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Easily make your transfers to another country in Europe or anywhere else in the world, in euros or another currency, via Easy Banking App or Easy Banking Web.
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Your IBAN is your European account number that greatly facilitates international payments. Linked to the creation of the SEPA zone, IBAN ensures that all transfers are made in the same way as in your own country.
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Do you often make payments of different amounts to the same company? With direct debit, these are made automatically. You no longer risk forgetting important bills. You only need to make a payment order once.
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Make your life easier for recurring payments. Same amount, same beneficiary? Set up a standing order and the bank will transfer the amount on a fixed date, without you having to worry about anything.
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Looking for a solution to have your salary, pension or benefits paid automatically and securely? Choose for direct debit. It's simple, fast, free, and secure.
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Planning to travel outside the euro zone? It's always useful to have some local currency in cash for your first purchases, such as a taxi ride or a meal. Want to know how to easily get your foreign currency? Call your advisor or the Easy Banking Centre on 02 762 20 00.
Easy Banking allows you to manage your accounts and payment cards securely, as well as make numerous online transactions using your smartphone or tablet, whether you're in Belgium or anywhere else in the world.
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With online account statements, save time by consulting up to 10 years of archives wherever you are, securely and in a readable and printable format. Available 24/7.
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With Zoomit, receive your bills and salary documents directly in Easy Banking instead of by post. Transfers for bill payments are automatically pre-filled. After verification, just a few clicks are needed to execute them.
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With your card reader and BNP Paribas Fortis debit card, you're ready to use Easy Banking Web and Easy Banking App!
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