SDI: services, advice and legal assistance


By your side

In addition to representing independent professionals and businesses in its sector, the SDI interprofessional federation is there to assist its member companies by offering personalised services for their administrative and legal obligations.


Services and advice

With SDI, you’ll receive personalised advice, the information you need, and unlimited legal assistance, as well as top expertise in business management and debt recovery.


Discount on your membership

As a BNP Paribas Fortis customer, you benefit from an exclusive advantage: a €22 discount on membership by quoting the code BNPPF, making it €168 instead of €190.

SDI explained in video
Discover how the SDI interprofessional federation can help you move forward.

The benefits of SDI

By joining SDI, you get a range of benefits:

  • Complete legal assistance for disputes, contracts, general terms and conditions…
  • A debt recovery service by bailiffs
  • Administrative document templates: invoices, leases, agreements…

Enjoy SDI in 3 steps


Watch the video

Discover how SDI helps independent professionals and businesses.


Discover SDI

Visit the SDI website via the button below.


Enjoy a discount

Benefit from an exclusive €22 discount by quoting the code BNPPF.

  • Unpaid invoices: SDI is there to help

    Find out how SDI helped Xavier recover an unpaid invoice from a dishonest client.

    Read his story

  • Tailored insurance

    Are you starting a business? Protect yourself now. Choose the customised coverage that suits your needs.

    Discover our insurance options

  • Think about your pension

    By starting to build a supplementary pension today, you're preparing for the future. And it comes with tax benefits as well.

    Prepare your pension

Legal information

ASBL Federation of Traders, Artisans and SMEs of SDI, Drève Richelle 161 K, 1410 Waterloo, Belgium – VAT BE 0471.795.627 - RPM Nivelles

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