microStart: credits and guidance for entrepreneurs


Launch or develop your business

Do you dream of launching your business or developing your activity?

microStart provides microloans to entrepreneurs who do not have access to traditional banking finance.

For this, the institution works closely with BNP Paribas Fortis.


Tailored support

Ask microStart's experienced coaches for help in starting, managing and developing your business. Or to draw up a business plan or financial plan. It’s the guarantee of tailored support, adapted to your needs.


Make an appointment

Are you starting out in entrepreneurship or do you have an established business? Do you need financing or guidance? Don't hesitate to make an appointment today so we can put you in touch with a microStart collaborator.

microStart in brief

Created in 2011, microStart is an initiative of Adie, a European microfinance pioneer, BNP Paribas Fortis and the European Investment Fund.

As a leading microfinance institution in Belgium, microStart provides microloans of up to €25,000.

The advantages and disadvantages of microStart

Need financing to create or develop your business? Discover the advantages of a microStart credit. Subject to approval.

Simple and rapid credit application

Subject to approval, you will receive your credit in under 15 days.


microStart offers credit solutions for all needs (cash flow, equipment, rent, transport…) and statuses (sole proprietorship, company, main or secondary independent, student entrepreneur…).

Free support

You can receive the help of specialists and have all the necessary tools to succeed in your entrepreneurial project. And it's free!

Have you been granted a credit?

You can repay your loan at any time, without fees or penalties. You can also defer your first payment by up to 3 months.

What's the cost?

Obtaining a credit, subject to approval, involves file fees and an interest rate higher than the current market rate.

E-talks: microStart in images
How does microStart work? Who are its clients? And what's the link with BNP Paribas Fortis? The answers in images.

microStart in figures

microStart's impact since its creation in 2011 is undeniable, as shown by the numbers from KPMG in 2021:

  • 4,900 people financed
  • 9,100 people coached and trained
  • 6,780 microloans granted
  • €56 million injected into the national economy
  • 9,100 jobs created

Each euro invested in microStart generates €2.53 for the community. Moreover, each micro-entrepreneur creates 1.6 jobs.


Need a tailored solution?Make an appointment*

Find the credit that suits your cash flow needs

Paying suppliers? Compensating for a client payment delay? Do a simulation to find the credit that best suits your cash flow needs.

Do a simulation

You may also be interested in

  • Cash Credit

    Keep a good balance between your income and expenses and choose a cash credit that suits your needs.


  • Instalment Loan

    Keep your savings, control your budget and (still) achieve your projects? It's possible with our instalment credit.


Legal information

MicroStart SC & MicroStart Support ASBL, Rue de Fiennes 77, 1070 Brussels. MicroStart SC: BE 0829.081.071 and MicroStart Support ASBL: BE 0835.911.059 – RPM Brussels. Subject to approval of your application.

BNP Paribas Fortis SA holds a stake of over 10% in MicroStart SC.

*Make an appointment today so we can put you in touch with a microStart collaborator.

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