Straight Loan


A short-term interest rate loan

The Straight Loan is a line of credit from which you can make one or more withdrawals. Once approved, the funds are available within 48 hours. You also benefit from a short-term interest rate.


The ease of an advance on your account

You can opt for a credit line with a fixed term (maximum one year) or an open-ended term. For each withdrawal, you specify the amount you want to have on your payment account and the duration of the advance.


Contact us

Interested in a Straight Loan and the numerous benefits you and your business can enjoy? Schedule a meeting with your advisor, either online or at a branch.

The advantages of the Straight Loan

Discover the numerous advantages of the Straight Loan for you and your business.

Money available within 48 hours

After signing the contract, you are free to make withdrawals (min. €25,000) whenever you want. The granted amount is made available within 48 hours.

Renewable advances

As long as your credit line is active, you are authorised to reuse the amounts already repaid.

Total transparency

Thanks to a short-term interest rate, which you will be informed of at each withdrawal, you know exactly what your Straight Loan will cost at the end of each advance.

Tailored to your needs

You determine the amount and duration of the withdrawal based on your needs, objectives, and financial inflows.

How the Straight Loan works

Here's how this credit works for short-term needs:

  • you determine, in agreement with your relationship manager, the amount of your Straight Loan
  • you make one or multiple withdrawals and specify the duration
  • you repay the borrowed amount plus interest
  • you renew or adapt, if necessary, your withdrawal

Interested in taking out a Straight Loan?Schedule a meeting

Want to know more?

Do you want to know more about the Straight Loan? Find all the necessary information in the document below:

Legal information

Lender: BNP Paribas Fortis SA, Montagne du Parc 3, 1000 Brussels – RPM Brussels – VAT BE 0403.199.702. Subject to acceptance of your application.

Find the credit that best suits your cash flow needs

Paying suppliers? Compensating for a client payment delay? Do a simulation to find the credit that best suits your cash flow needs.

Do a simulation

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