

Instant European payments

Wero is an initiative of the European Payments Initiative (EPI), supported by 16 major European banks. It’s a digital payment method that provides a new system of instant payments across Europe. Wero is available in France, Germany, Belgium and soon in other European countries.


Send and receive money

Wero is transforming the way people pay in Europe, with a solution designed for the digital age. If you want to send money to a loved one, the payment is complete in 10 seconds.


Automatic integration

Wero will be integrated into Easy Banking App and ready to use without you having to do anything. Discover its features and ease of use.

Simplified European payments

With Wero, you no longer need to exchange IBANs, account numbers or even personal details.

Pay friends and family using a QR code

Do you want to send money to or receive money from a loved one? Scan or generate a QR code and that's it!

Pay using your phone number

In the course of 2025, you’ll be able to send money to a contact in your phonebook. Enter the amount, select the contact and your account, and that's it! The money should arrive in 10 seconds.

  • Your mobile app

    The Easy Banking App allows you to :

    • pay in-store and online
    • directly on your smartphone
    • in complete security.

    Discover its benefits

  • Online and mobile banking security

    When you use Easy Banking Web and the Easy Banking App, our procedures ensure the security of your personal and banking data. Discover how online and mobile banking offers a secure environment.

    Your online security

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In order to activate the sharing of your Easy Banking Web screen, please communicate the session number below to the Easy Banking advisor with whom you are in contact.

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