Standing orders


Automate your important payments

Rent, support payments and subscriptions are just a few examples of payments that are made on the same date every month and in the same amounts.
Make your life easier with a standing order that automatically pays a fixed amount on a certain day of the month.
You don't have to worry about a thing and you can be sure that your important payments are made on time.


Stay in control

You only need to set up a standing order once. Until it's cancelled, we'll take care of paying the specified amount on the chosen date, saving you time every month.
You can pause a standing order at any time, and also change the amount or frequency.


Contact us

Do you have any questions about standing orders? Get in touch with your advisor or call the Easy Banking Centre on 02 762 90 00.

Automatic savings

Want to save money, but keep putting it off until tomorrow? With a standing order, your savings will grow automatically, without you having to think about it. Find out more

Find out more


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  • Transfers in euros or a foreign currency

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