Stay in control of your data

Protecting your personal data is our top priority

Protecting and processing the personal data you entrust to us, in a fully transparent manner, is our top priority. Through that commitment, we can provide you with the best possible service and help you make decisions with complete confidence and security. Discover on this page how we take care of your data.

You can consult our Privacy Statement here.

What personal data do we process exactly?


Protected and handled with care


BNP Paribas Fortis guarantees the security of your data, just like it guarantees the security of your money.


BNP Paribas Fortis is transparent about the data it holds about you, and how it uses that data: collection, storage, processing etc.

Easy access

BNP Paribas Fortis makes it easy for you to access and correct information about you.

Share your Easy Banking Web screen
If you are currently in phone or chat contact with an Easy Banking advisor, you can start sharing your Easy Banking Web screen.
Share the session number
In order to activate the sharing of your Easy Banking Web screen, please communicate the session number below to the Easy Banking advisor with whom you are in contact.

Session number: