A personalised approach to all your investments


The personal touch

To get the most out of your investments, you can rely on the expertise of someone who knows you well: your Priority Banker. Their proactive and personalised approach will help you build a portfolio that suits you.


Whole-portfolio approach

Your Priority Banker is an investment expert. They will guide you in managing your portfolio and make proposals based on your profile and personal situation. But you always have the final say.


We're listening

Do you think Priority Banking Exclusive might be for you? Our Priority Bankers are ready to talk. Book an appointment online or by phone.

The benefits of our personalised portfolio approach

Discover four good reasons to choose Priority Banking Exclusive.

Proactive, specialist assistance

Your Priority Banker will proactively reach out to you to discuss personalised investment opportunities that align with your goals and preferences, through regular in-depth consultations.

Tailored advice

Your Priority Banker knows your profile, financial situation and objectives. Based on this, they will propose adjustments to your portfolio and new investments.

A wide and varied range

You have access to a wide array of investments. Do you want to invest in a specific region or theme, or do you have a particular focus on the environment and society? Talk to your Priority Banker.

With MyExperts, stay up-to-date with the financial and economic news

MyExperts, a wealth of information

On this exclusive website, you'll find a wealth of expert advice on popular investments and market trends.

Discover MyExperts

Would you like more information on Priority Banking Exclusive? Our Priority Bankers are here for you.Call 02 433 41 69

Looking for alternatives?

We have other attractive solutions

  • Iris

    A simple and diversified investment solution that allows you to invest according to your investor profile.

    Discover Iris

  • Easy Investment Advice

    Need one-off investment advice? Contact our experts, they're here to guide you!

    Discover Easy Investment Advice

  • Serenity

    With the Serenity investment advisory service, you stay in control, decide on the essentials and receive professional advice from your bank.

    Discover Serenity

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