Responsible loans

When faced with new needs or opportunities, you sometimes need to take out a loan. However, a loan should not be entered into lightly, as borrowing money also costs money. That's why we offer sustainable credits that will fit into your budget.

Why choose a responsible loan?

When you take out a new loan, it's essential to check that your financial situation will allow you to cope with it in the long term. We commit to providing you with a loan that will help you achieve your projects while ensuring your budget remains balanced.

We take our responsibilities
By doing so, we aim to go further than our obligations and be a reliable credit partner for you. Together, and by following simple rules, we will help you establish your project.

The 5 golden rules of a responsible loan

  • Choose a credit that suits your means and needs.
  • Consider affordable monthly instalments over the long term.
  • Plan for an emergency fund.
  • Check if you don't have alternative solutions.
  • Manage your credit(s) consciously, and be aware of the risks.



A decision made with full knowledge of the facts

On our website, a simulator allows you to accurately calculate the ideal duration, monthly instalments, and final cost of your different credits.

Simulate and apply

Legal information

Loan type: mortgage loan for real estate or movable property. The provisions of the mortgage credit chapter 2 of title 4 of book VII of the Economic Law Code apply. Subject to acceptance of your application by BNP Paribas Fortis SA, lender, Montagne du Parc 3, 1000 Brussels – RPM Brussels – VAT BE 0403.199.702.

Type of loan: instalment loan. The provisions of the consumer credit chapter 1 of title 4 of book VII of the Economic Law Code apply. Subject to acceptance of your application by Alpha Credit SA, lender, Montagne du Parc 8/C, 1000 Brussels – RPM Brussels – VAT BE 0445.781.316.

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