Pension savings for 2025: tax-efficient contribution limits

How much should you pay in?

In 2025, you can choose between two tax-efficient contribution limits.

  • The standard tax regime for pension savings: a basic limit of €1,050, which comes with a 30% tax reduction (maximum benefit of €315 and savings on municipal tax).
  • The tax regime with a higher limit of €1,350, which comes with a 25% tax reduction (maximum benefit of €337.50 and savings on municipal tax). The 25% rate applies to the entire amount paid in as soon as it exceeds the basic limit of €1,050.

Which limit should you choose?

For 2025, all pension savings contracts – existing and new – come with the basic limit of €1,050 (30% tax reduction) as standard.

Do you want to opt for the higher limit of €1,350 with a 25% tax reduction?

In that case, you must explicitly inform your financial institution in advance. You will also need to confirm your decision every year, otherwise you will automatically revert to the basic limit. Note that you will only be able to make a payment exceeding €1,050 after the bank has received your explicit decision to this effect.

What if you opt for the higher limit of €1,350 but pay in less than that? 

If you pay in more than €1,050 but less than €1,260, your tax reduction will be lower than if you had opted for the basic limit (see table below). It’s only if the payment exceeds €1,260 that your tax reduction will be greater than for someone who paid in €1,050.

Your tax benefit in detail

Amount paid in (€) Tax benefit (€) (not applicable)
€1,050.00 30%: €315.00 (not applicable)
€1,050.01 25%: €262.00 -€52.50
€1,100.00 25%: €275.00 -€40.00
€1,260.00 25%: €315.00 €0.00
€1,340.00 25%: €335.00 +€20.00


Change your tax-efficient contribution limit

Are you contributing to a pension savings fund?

If so, you can let us know your choice via Easy Banking Web.

  • Log in and go to the "Savings and Investments" menu.
  • Select "My Investments".
  • Click on "Modify" next to your pension savings account.
  • You can then change the tax-efficient contribution limit registered for 2025.
  • From November 2024, you will be able to let us know your preference for 2026.

Are you contributing to an insurance-based pension savings plan?

If so, you can let us know your choice for 2025 by contacting your usual advisor or by calling the Easy Banking Centre on 02 762 90 00.


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