Raising a child: preparing your finances

Birth, childhood, adolescence, young adulthood… The arrival of a child is a source of great joy. It also brings a new economic reality that you have to manage until they are able to fly solo. We help you see things more clearly.

  • The birth of a child

    Administrative procedures, budgeting, tips, savings and more besides: this article helps you see what’s in store in your new life as parents.

    Learn more

  • Saving for your child

    How does a savings account work? Will your child have access to it? What are life insurance savings products?

    Read the article

  • From childhood to adulthood

    The arrival of a child brings its fair share of expenses. How should you plan for costs related to their education?

    Read the article


Practical solutions

We can offer advice and solutions to budget for the arrival of a baby and their childhood, and to secure their financial future. Do you have questions? Contact us!

  • Putting money aside

    Saving for the baby's future, dealing with an unexpected event or planning a big purchase.

    Find out more

  • Junior Future Plan

    Give your children or grandchildren a financial boost through a flexible branch 21 or 23 life insurance savings plan.

    Discover the benefits

  • AG Top Familiale insurance

    This family liability insurance policy protects you and the members of your household worldwide.

    Get good cover

Do you have a practical question or need advice? We're here for you.Contact us
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