Power of attorney


Think about tomorrow

Becoming incapacitated due to an accident, illness or the effects of old age, and being unable to make decisions for yourself: it could happen to anyone. By granting a power of attorney, you can plan for this eventuality today.


Lifelong peace of mind

You appoint one or more people to manage some or all of your assets and make decisions about you, according to your wishes. You’re free to change your preferences as long as you still have capacity.


Meet our experts

We can guide you in granting a power of attorney. Our team of experts will help you define what suits you best. Contact us to schedule an appointment.

Power of attorney
Discover how a power of attorney is useful for managing your assets if you’re no longer able to do so.

Why choose us?

Your private banker or wealth manager is your trusted partner. They can: 

  • help you as your family and wealth situation develops over time
  • provide you with tailored advice

The advantages of a power of attorney

You can define your preferences down to the smallest detail.


You appoint one or more people as your attorneys – your spouse, children and/or third parties – decide which powers they will have and determine when those powers will take effect.

Total flexibility

You can revoke your power of attorney at any time if you wish to change its content and/or your attorneys, as long as you’re still able to express your wishes.

Passing on your assets

A power of attorney is not a tax planning vehicle per se. However, it allows you to take actions as part of your estate planning, such as making gifts.

A dedicated team of experts

Working with your private banker or wealth manager, one of our Estate Planners will help you:

  • Ensure the continuity of your vision regarding your assets 
  • Define your wishes based on an expert analysis of your assets
  • Check that the power of attorney established by your notary corresponds to your wishes
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