Track your investments and loans with Wealth Panorama


A daily financial report

Wealth Panorama allows you to track, digitally and easily, all your managed assets within Private Banking.


A precise view of your wealth

With Wealth Panorama, you have a snapshot of your assets, investments, and loans managed within Private Banking at your fingertips.


Find out more about Wealth Panorama

As a Private Banking client, you automatically have access to Wealth Panorama in Easy Banking Web. Your Private Banker or Wealth Manager will guide you as needed.

Wealth Panorama, control over your wealth

In the secure environment of Easy Banking Web, you have a complete view of your wealth managed within Private Banking, including:

  • your current and savings accounts
  • your investments, sorted by contract type and risk profile
  • your mortgage loans
  • your consumer loans

If you wish, Wealth Panorama allows you to download a detailed report of your assets in PDF format.


Our other digital tools

  • Digital makes banking easier

    Thanks to your online and mobile banking, you can check your accounts, perform transactions, contact or schedule a meeting with your Private Banker or Wealth Manager, wherever and whenever you want. 

    Your online and mobile banking

  • A digital tool for your wealth

    Thanks to PaxFamilia, we can better understand your current and future needs. It's a unique and secure digital platform to manage your wealth more serenely, in collaboration with your Private Banker or Wealth Manager.

    Discover PaxFamilia

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