Protect your business from fraud and phishing


Connected business

Do you manage your business activities online? If you have a website, contact clients or suppliers by email, place or receive orders online etc., vigilance is essential to avoid falling victim to cybercrime.


No compromise on security

Fraudulent emails, phishing, suspicious links, ransomware… Online fraud can take many forms. So it's therefore crucial that you and your team are trained in online security and learn to recognise scams.


Our expert advice

Protect your IT hardware, secure your network, establish a crisis plan and raise awareness among your employees about sharing data online. Discover our tips and tricks to develop the right instincts and protect your business.

Cybercrime affects businesses too

Cybercrime is a criminal activity that uses any kind of technological method, such as a computer, smartphone, tablet or network. Businesses, which hold information, are often the target.

To stay one step ahead, fraudsters are constantly reinventing themselves. It’s therefore essential to stay up-to-date in order to recognise their methods.

Recognising fraud
How do you recognise ransomware?
How do you identify a case of social engineering?

Phishing alerts

Phishing is a common form of fraud that involves fraudulently obtaining your personal data in order to use it for malicious purposes, often for financial gain. This can be done by email (phishing), SMS (smishing), or phone (vishing).

Learn more


Discover the best practices to identify and protect your business from ransomware.

Learn how to identify it

Protect your business from CEO fraud

CEO fraud involves trying to divert your funds by targeting your employees. Discover how to identify and prevent this threat.

Read our tips

Invoice fraud

Your invoices can also be targeted by fraudsters. How can you protect your business?

Learn more

Your digital identity with itsme®

With the itsme® app, you can connect quickly and sign transactions securely.

Learn more

Protect your business

There are several tools to help you protect yourself, your business and your staff from online fraud and cyberattacks. For example, support is available from the Cyber Security Coalition, an official partnership between academia, the public sector and the private sector to combat cybercrime support.

Test your infrastructure

On the Cyber Security Coalition website, you can test whether your IT infrastructure and files are sufficiently secure and get practical tips on how to strengthen your security.

Take the test

Use a cybersecurity kit

The Cyber Security Coalition provides a cybersecurity awareness kit for small and medium-sized businesses and their staff. The Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium also offers webinars on cybersecurity.

Download the kit

Establish a crisis plan

Prepare for cyberattacks and develop a crisis plan that sets out the procedures and checks needed to improve your business's security level and avoid risks. To help you, the Cyber Security Coalition has developed a practical guide.

Consult the guide

Secure your infrastructure

Make sure that your IT infrastructure is as secure as possible. For example, install antivirus and firewall updates as soon as they’re released. Don't forget to perform regular backups and test them.

Online security for entrepreneurs

Take precautions

Never share your confidential data

There are fraudsters who try to impersonate BNP Paribas Fortis by email, text message and telephone. Under no circumstances will we EVER ask you:

  • for any codes related to your cards (including the 3-digit CVV code on the back of your card) or your Easy Banking App, Web or Business access codes
  • for any codes received by text message or generated by your card reader or by itsme® 
  • to install any software allowing us to take control of your device remotely
  • to confirm or cancel a transaction via itsme®
  • to transfer money into a supposedly secure account

Similarly, we will NEVER come to your home to collect your cards, card readers, codes, mobile phone or anything else. 

Please also use the same level of caution if you receive a message or call supposedly coming from an official authority like the police or a government department, a company, a client, a helpdesk or Card Stop.

Do you think you may be a victim of fraud?

  • Always contact the Easy Banking Centre (Monday to Friday from 7am to 10pm and Saturday from 9am to 5pm). Call 02 762 90 00.
  • Immediately block all your bank cards via Card Stop at 078 170 170 or block your debit card(s) via the Easy Banking App.
  • Outside Easy Banking Centre hours and only in the event of suspected fraud, contact 02 433 43 80.
  • File a police report and send a copy of the report to your BNP Paribas Fortis branch.
  • Check, via the Easy Banking App (Settings > Security > Devices with our apps) or Easy Banking Web (Settings > Access to our apps), which devices your banking app has been installed on, and delete any suspicious or unknown devices.

For more information, you can consult Safeonweb.be, Febelfin (the federation of the Belgian financial sector) and the Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium

Are you a ransomware victim?

  • Immediately alert the police and/or CERT (Belgium’s federal Cyber Emergency Response Team).
  • Inform your provider or IT department in order to recover a recent backup of your network and/or infrastructure.
  • Don't pay the ransom: you have no guarantee that the blocked information will be released once the money is paid, and by giving in you’ll increase the risk of another attack.

Some security tips

Do you want to report fraud outside Easy Banking Centre hours (Monday to Friday 7am-10pm, Saturday 9am-5pm)?Call 02 433 43 80
  • Fully secure online banking

    Easy Banking App, Easy Banking Web, Easy Banking Business, Isabel… Find out how to do your business banking easily and securely.

    Online banking security

  • The basics of online security

    Discover how you can increase your online security. Topics include passwords, secure connections and updates.

    Security best practice

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