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With your online bank and mobile phone, you are able to manage your accounts, payments, investments… wherever and whenever you want, on your smartphone, tablet or computer. And your banking security? Our digital channels will take care of this for you.
When you use Easy Banking Web, Easy Banking App, Easy Banking Business or Isabel, procedures ensure the security of your personal and banking data. You can manage your business accounts securely.
Discover tips and tricks to cultivate good habits and protect your business.
You can only access your Easy Banking App if your device is recognised. It automatically registers from your first connection using your banking card and card reader.
And only you can connect to your app. This is done via your Easy Banking code, fingerprint or facial recognition.
You can only connect to Easy Banking Web, your online bank for professionals, with the right combination…
A double lock for your banking security!
To access your Easy Banking Web and App, you need to create your Easy Banking profile. It ensures optimal security.
Each time you register with Easy Banking App on a new device, an SMS is sent to confirm the registration. The same applies when you communicate a new phone number to us.
Whether authenticating, determining access rights or setting payment limits, your environment is always secure.
Easy Banking Business (Mobile), the online solution for professionals, guarantees a high level of security:
The multi-banking solution for professionals Isabel offers high security standards for optimal protection:
If you use Easy Banking Business, block access to Easy Banking Business Mobile on your smartphone by disconnecting your device on the web version. The application will then become unusable. The administrator can also initiate the block in case of loss or theft of the device.
Remember that to access your computer, you need to unlock it. And therefore have your personal password, fingerprint or face. For banking channels accessible from your computer, any transaction to unknown third parties for large amounts must be confirmed with your card and card reader.
Fake invoices, phishing, ransomware… Learn to recognise the traps and protect your business from fraud.
Passwords, secure connection, updates… Discover how you can increase your online security.
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