Filtering: receive your payments faster


Transfer money directly to your account

Payments between different banks often take longer. Filtering lets you speed up this process and access your money from clients with an account with us more quickly.


Access your funds even faster

Do your clients pay into an account you hold with another bank? We automatically bring this payment into your account with us.


Enjoy free filtering

All you need is a business account with us and an agreement. Book an appointment now.

What are the benefits of filtering?

Filtering can be applied to all payments, except salaries, urgent payments, and social secretariat payments. Here are the benefits of filtering:

  • free
  • access your funds faster
  • automatic process: once you've given your consent, you don't need to do anything else
  • discreet: your clients won't notice anything

Interested in filtering?Book an appointment

Also of interest to you

  • Collecting invoices by direct debit

    Want to simplify your business management and avoid payment delays? With direct debit, your clients pay you automatically.

    Discover direct debit

  • Payment terminals

    Your clients are paying less and less in cash, as they now prefer bank cards or smartphones. Adopt our digital payment systems, fixed or mobile. Secure, simple, and fast.

    Discover our offer

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