Learn how to manage your money

Managing your income and expenses, acquiring new habits, making decisions… With your first job, a new way of life begins.

  • Learning to manage your budget

    Here are some practical tips to get a clear view of your income and expenditure, and keep them in balance.

    Take control of your budget

  • Pensions: what you need to know

    Are you starting to plan for your retirement? Or do you just want to know more about pensions? Discover everything you need to know in our article.

    Read the article

  • Pensions: a customer’s view

    Do you have questions about saving for your pension and want to see a practical example? Check out our customer’s story!

    Read the article

  • How to save

    Putting money aside is not always easy. However, there are several strategies that can help.

    Optimise your savings

  • Moving in together

    When you decide to live with someone, it's good to know that there are three types of cohabitation.

    Read the article



Solutions for you

Are you starting your working life? Here are some banking solutions made just for you!

  • Hello4You young person’s account

    Are you between 18 and 28 years old? The free Hello4You current account is made for you.

    Open online*

  • Hello credit card

    Useful if you want to buy now and pay later, book a flight, rent a car or pay a deposit.

    Apply online*

  • Easy Banking App

    Easy Banking App, your bank at your fingertips 24/7, makes your life so much easier!

    Simplify your life

  • Budget management tool

    With a clear view of your income and expenditure by category, you can optimise your budget in Easy Banking App.

    Analyse your budget

  • Savings accounts

    Saving means putting money aside. And it's more advantageous when you put it in a dedicated account.

    Compare savings accounts

  • Pension savings

    Put money aside for your supplementary pension, with a tax benefit depending on your personal situation.

    Discover pension savings


Entering the workforce

The prospect of your first job may prompt a desire to fly the nest, along with a lot of questions about the world of work.

  • Finding a place to live

    Earning a living also means rethinking your accommodation: you might want to rent, live in shared accommodation, buy your own place or stay with your parents.

    Where will you live?

  • Working

    Whether you’re an employee, self-employed or an entrepreneur, you're discovering the world of work and we're here to help you see things more clearly.

    Find out more

Do you have a question or need advice? We're here for you.Contact us
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