Optimise your pension for a happy retirement

Are you already building a tax-advantaged pension savings plan? But are you saving the maximum amount for your complementary pension? With a few simple steps, you can optimise and ultimately significantly increase your pension.


How to optimise them?

A tax-efficient pension savings plan

Want to maximise your pension savings? Start by saving for the basic ceiling. If you can put more money aside, consider opting for the higher pension savings ceiling.

Discover the maximum amounts

Set up a direct debit for your pension savings

With a direct debit, your pension savings will build up automatically. Consider opting for a direct debit with tax adjustment. This way, you'll pay the maximum amount, year after year, even if it changes. You'll only need to confirm your decision to opt for the higher pension savings ceiling or not.

Long-term savings

Want to put a bit more money aside? Consider long-term savings. You'll directly receive a tax reduction on the amount you pay in. A tip: aim for the maximum tax benefit based on your professional income.

Your long-term savings

Simulate your pension savings

Calculate the amount of your legal pension below. This will give you a clear idea of the exact amount you still need to save in a pension savings plan to complement your legal pension and achieve your objectives.

Do the simulation
I want to optimise my pension savingsMake an appointment

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Invest for your pension

Aim for potentially higher returns

Do you have money that's not earning any interest or hardly any? Consider investing to boost your pension savings, even if you won't get tax benefits. Investing can also help you earn a higher return than traditional savings. New to investing? Don't worry, we have solutions for beginners. Have a question? Our advisors are here to help.

Invest for your pension

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