Borrowing from the Private Bank

Investing in a real estate project, borrowing to pay inheritance tax to reduce the impact on your inheritance, making a gift to your children, the purchase or buy back of company shares, and so on.

Our Private Banking credit experts will suggest the most suitable financing solutions for your projects and financial situation.

  • Financing your projects while preserving your wealth

    Our credit experts offer you tailor-made financing solutions, so you don't have to tap into your assets. They can assist you with the growth of your company, the financing of your real estate projects, the achievement of your dreams, and the transfer of your assets to the next generation.

    Our borrowing expertise

  • A team of experts on hand to advise you

    Your private banker or wealth manager, and their assistant, are your single points of contact. An estate planner secures your estate, a credit expert optimises it with personalised financing solutions. An insurance expert examines all your insurance needs.

    Meet our experts

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