Your Private Bank backed by all our experts


The convenience of a private banker or wealth manager

Your private banker or wealth manager and their assistant are your preferred contacts. They put you in touch with our Private Banking experts.


An expert for every stage of your life

You can call upon our expertise for any question related to investments and insurance, as well as developing and passing on your assets.


Our unique expertise and solutions

Do you have questions about our Private Banking or Wealth Management approach? Contact us online or make an appointment at a Private Banking Centre.

A holistic, personalised approach

Within Private Banking, your private banker or wealth manager has an overview of your asset situation and can put you in touch with a wide network of experts according to your needs, as well as those of your family or business.

Our vision of commitment and service is reflected in the way we manage your assets.

Discover our approach

Want to know more about our unique expertise and solutions?Contact us


Our key experts

  • Managing your assets

    You can benefit from the expertise of our estate planners at every key moment in your life. They help you structure, plan and transfer your assets, and they collaborate with trusted individuals such as your notary, your accountant and your Bank for Entrepreneurs advisor.

    Your estate planners

  • Our investment strategy

    Our investment experts advise you on your investments and manage your assets. They work closely with our strategists and specialists to develop a personalised investment strategy based on your risk profile and objectives.

    Our investment approach

  • Financing tailored to your plans

    Our lending experts develop financing solutions tailored to your financial situation and help you achieve your dreams, both in your personal and professional lives, while maintaining a holistic view consistent with your long-term resources and objectives.

    Our lending approach

  • Your banking, simply and securely

    Your private banker or wealth manager will advise you on any question related to your transactions and banking services. You also have a dedicated phone number exclusively reserved for Private Banking and Wealth Management clients: PrivilegeConnect. You’re also welcome to visit us in branch.

    Discover our banking services

Daily banking, securely and in discretion

Besides your Private Banker or Wealth Manager and his or her assistant, you can also call PrivilegeConnect, the exclusive phone number for Private Banking and Wealth Management clients with all your questions relating to daily banking. Naturally you can also refer to any of the branches in our extensive network.

Discover our range

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