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Market news, new socio-economic trends, sustainability and mobility issues, succession and pension news... All these questions are covered on MyExperts.
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Economy, wealth, succession: the news of the week
The weekly newsletter covers the essential topics of the week, every Friday by email: wealth and succession, economic issues, investments, mobility, insurance, starting a business...
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As a Private Banking or Wealth Management client, you receive MyExperts newsletters by email. Daily news gives you the background on the previous day's events in the financial markets. Weekly news covers the most useful articles of the week on other topics. Sign up for one or both newsletters, depending on your interests.
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MyExperts breaks down the most important topics into files. With one click, you discover all the information on a specific topic: sustainability, savings, insurance, succession rights, real estate, or family life. All very practical for getting a complete picture of the topics that interest you most.
Are you starting your life? Is your family growing? Do you want to integrate sustainability into your projects? The #MyFuture section is for you. Get all the information through 6 themes, articles, podcasts, videos, webinars... Discover #MyFuture
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Customise MyExperts as you see fit. With bookmarks, you create your personal reading list. In "My selection", you find the experts and topics that interest you: advice on stocks, succession planning or economic news... You decide.
Our investment experts advise you on your investments and manage your wealth. Our experts, in close collaboration with our strategists and specialists, develop a personalised investment strategy based on your risk profile and objectives.
You always have a clear view of your wealth situation, thanks to the PaxFamilia platform. Our experts analyse your situation and offer a comprehensive approach to optimise your wealth.
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